Bison-created traffic jams are nothing new in Yellowstone, but this great little vid adds an extra dimension of entertainment. Because in this case it’s a gang of bikers who’re being held up by herd of the slow moving beasts, and made even better by a slightly nervous-sounding commentary: “We’re now in the middle of this mess. We’re surrounded.”
And also – it’s a very big herd of bison.
Amazingly, the vid – even though it was shot in Yellowstone National Park – didn’t come from our usual source for wild animal encounters, Tourons of Yellowstone. Though, to be fair, although one biker does get a little close at one point, no one actually appears to be acting like a touron here – they appear to manage as best and safely as they can under the circumstances.
The vid was posted to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Facebook group last month by Cindy Bartlett, who we assume is the person providing the commentary (“Super sketchy! I don’t like this!”) and comes your way via Outdoors.com.
Bison don’t exactly lust for human blood and they’re certainly not predators, but they’re known as unpredictable beasts that can stampede without provocation and charge at people, gore them and toss them up into the air. Like many animals, they attack when they feel threatened, so under certain circumstances, they do pose a danger to humans.
The best thing to do is keep your distance, but you can read more about bison and avoiding being gored by one here.
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