The NSW department of education has backed down on its attempt to change the zoning of public schools in Jerrabomberra, but not all schools stand to gain from the decision.
The final 2023 enrolment area for the new high school and existing primary school will include Jerrabomberra South and Jerrabomberra Heights after strong backlash.
While Jerrabomberra residents are celebrating the new enrolment zones, Queanbeyan South Public School families are concerned student numbers will decline, leading to less funding for its staff and programs.
Queanbeyan South P&C president Tamara Lawson-Moore said her community feared it would lose their principal Adam Zanco if the school classification was downgraded.
"Well done Jerra, you fought hard for that. Now it's our turn," Ms Lawson-Moore said.
"We're not going to go down silently. We're going to make sure we're heard loud and clear that we're not happy and we're not going to give up."
Department of Education executive director rural south and west Dean White told a community meeting on Tuesday night the school zones would be reviewed after four years.
Mr White said a school's classification only related to the principal's pay. He said opportunity and multi-categorical classes would remain at Queanbeyan South Public School.
Ms Lawson-Moore said the school stood to lose up to 250 students over two years as Googong Public opened and Jerrabomberra Heights remained out of zone.
"We were told that it was going to be a reasonable outcome for all and to just get told you've got your support unit and your [opportunity] class, that was not a reasonable outcome. That covers 40 of our students. What about the other 440 odd students in the mainstream?
"They're going to lose their science, their computer classes, their gardening classes, their sport classes, their kitchen classes.
"That's a lot for these kids that are already at a disadvantage because of where we are and the reputation that this area has which our school has worked above and beyond to overcome."
Boundaries released in March had residents living north of Edwin Land Parkway zoned for Queanbeyan South Public School and Karabar High School.
But people living in Jerrabomberra Heights strongly opposed the changes, leading to member for Monaro Nichole Overall's intervention and an online survey. The department received more than 1000 submissions, with 70 per cent relating to Jerrabomberra High School.
Mrs Overall said Queanbeyan South Public School had the potential to experience to most impact from the new boundaries and other support mechanisms were being assessed, including support of leadership roles.
"Staff to student ratios will not change in the [opportunity class] and [multi-categorical] classes. The quality education these children receive now will continue," said Mrs Overall.
Jerrabomberra Public School P&C president Kylie Prescott said her community's devastation had turned to delight.
"This is down to community unity and our community campaign. We were very clear with what we wanted and we're delighted to hear that our voices have been heard."
Ms Prescott said the situation should have been managed much better.
"Really for us, this is a lesson in how not to do community consultation."
The final 2023 enrolment areas will be published on the school finder website today.
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