Some members of a religious group charged over the death of an eight-year-old girl have refused to accept information from prosecutors about their legal proceedings.
The six men and eight women - who have refused legal representation and not applied for bail - appeared before the Brisbane Supreme Court on Friday for a case review.
Elizabeth Struhs died at the family home in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane, on January 7 last year after her parents and 12 others allegedly withheld her diabetes medication for six days.
Instead they prayed next to her and did not alert authorities as the girl's health deteriorated, police say.
Authorities found her body on January 8.
Documentation was given to all accused in prison, but three men including Elizabeth's father Jason Richard Struhs declined to take the material, crown prosecutor Todd Fuller KC said.
Speaking to the group who sat in the dock and the jury box, Justice Martin Burns said they were entitled to not read material and he was not forcing them to do anything.
"All I can say is I would (read it) if I was you."
In response to Justice Burns' questions the group agreed they would prefer to be tried together, rather than in smaller groups.
Struhs asked how those in subsequent proceedings would have a fair trial if proceedings were split.
"It won't happen, not in this world."
When Justice Burns talked about jury and judge-only trials, Brendan Luke Stevens said: "Excuse me, Your Honour, if it makes any clearer for you, from our perspective we don't believe we'll get any more justice from a jury than believe we'll already get without one."
"I'm not sure how to take that," Justice Burns replied.
Stevens said none of them would seek to have a jury.
"We've already been labelled by the media anyway when it first hit the news," Struhs added.
Asked if the preference was a trial without a jury some women said "no preference" and one said "whatever you decide".
Justice Burns said they might have to apply for a judge-only trial.
"I know that might rub you up the wrong way, but if no order is made it'll be a trial before a jury because that's just how it is."
In response to a request from Brendan Stevens, Justice Burns said he would try to arrange for the group to meet before the next court review on October 6.
"The ultimate solution for this, which you won't like to hear, is for you to apply for bail," Justice Burns said.
"You can have as many meetings as you like then."
Struhs and Stevens were earlier indicted on a murder charge, while the other 12 were indicted on a charge of manslaughter.
They are the child's mother Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs, Zachary Alan Struhs, Loretta Mary Stevens, Therese Maria Stevens, Andrea Louise Stevens, Acacia Naree Stevens, Camellia Claire Stevens, Alexander Francis Stevens, Sebastian James Stevens, Keita Courtney Martin, Lachlan Stuart Schoenfisch and Samantha Emily Schoenfisch.
They range in age from 20 to 66.