Kids love to ask questions, and it's even better when you know the answer! Next time they ask what 'HARIBO' means, you'll be able to tell them and take in their reaction.
You can never come up with too many amazing facts for kids, as curious minds love to soak them up like sponges. It's also a special moment to see their reaction to finding out something wondrous and new, like how the pyramids were really built, and exactly why pirates wear an eye patch (spoiler alert: this will leave adults reeling just as much as the kids.)
How about delighting little ones further by knowing what the word 'HARIBO' means? As surely one of the nation's favourite sweets, your kids are bound to come across them at some point, and now you can tell them that the word HARIBO is a sweet play on the company's founder.
According to the HARIBO website, company founder Hans Riegel was born in the town of Friesdorf near Bonn, Germany in 1893. On completing training to become a confectioner he joined a company named Heinen. When he became a partner in the firm, the name was changed to Heinen & Riegel. Branching out on his own, Rigel went on to form HARIBO, which is a combination of his name and birthplace - HAns RIegel BOnn. On December 13th, 1920, he began producing the first ever HARIBO from the kitchen at his home.
Now you will have the answer to hand if your child asks what HARIBO means, or you can dash off to tell them of the new and important piece of information you have. To impress them even more, there's further fun facts about the HARIBO brand you can share with them:
Fun HARIBO facts
- Hans Riegel's wife, Gertrud, was his first official employee.
- HARIBO gummies were first made by Hans and Gertrud in their kitchen, from nothing more than a sack of sugar, a marble block, brick oven, copper kettle and a rolling pin.
- The first sweets would be delivered by bicycle to Hans' local area, until he bought a car in 1923 to make deliveries easier.
- HARIBO is now available in 120 countries around the world.
- The company employs over 7,000 people.
- The Goldbear mascot wearing a red bow tie who appears on every HARIBO packet, didn't make an appearance until 1989.
- HARIBO is still owned by Hans Riegel's family, who are proud that it remains a family-run business.
- 100 million Goldbears are made around the world every day.
Mum-of-two, Hayley, tells us "HARIBO has a solid place in our family memories. They were the first sweets the children ever tried, and they always hope to get them when the go out trick-or-treating at Halloween. At Christmas they encouraged their Nana to try Tangfastics and she absolutely loved them! Now when we visit her, they insist on taking a packet of 'Nana's favourite sweets' and it's so cute."
For more fascinating facts, if your child asks why do birds sing in the morning, we've got the answer. Similarly, we reveal why we say 'white rabbits' on the first of every month, and why Friday the 13th is unlucky.