In his opinion piece (I’m a Garrick member. The exclusion of women is the opposite of liberal. It is out of date and wrong, 27 March), Simon Jenkins is quite right: “Places where those of like mind can meet and enjoy each other’s company are valuable.” They are called pubs. Lots of us are members of one.
Bernard Clarke
• As a fanatical tree and bush planter in my six gardens over 40 years, I really loved reading the letter (26 March) from a former primary school teacher who got pupils planting trees, and I smiled even more when I saw his name. Thank you, Les Forester, for what you did, and for making me smile amid so much depressing news.
Sharman Finlay
Portrush, County Antrim
• Surely, Christopher Geidt must be in with a shout of an entry in the Guinness World Records as being the most ignored parliamentarian of all time (Ex-Boris Johnson ethics adviser Lord Geidt found to have broken Lords rules, 27 March).
David Duell
• Re Tory party to lose almost 1,000 years of Commons experience when MPs quit (29 March), so there really is a good side to everything then?
Peter Dewar
Bromley, Greater London
• I’m not entirely persuaded by Josie George’s assertion that the magnolia is “decidedly middle-class” (Country diary, 27 March). Surely even magnolias have roots?
John Bevis
Ironbridge, Shropshire
• I assume your article (Have you washed your toothbrush lately? The surprising truth about how to keep your home truly clean, 30 March) was meant to be published two days later?
Jenny Brook
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.