Kate Winslet is hitting back against the negative talk surrounding ageing, saying that she's found power in saying 'no' to the negatives as she enjoys the 'amazing' process of ageing.
It's all too often that talk about ageing is span as a negative, with anti-ageing skincare and worries about lines here or wrinkles there being the main focus of the topic. But Kate Winslet has made an encouraging case for simply saying 'no' to all the negativity and brushing it off with a simple yet powerful mantra.
"I've got arthritis in my big toe and my left foot swells up in the heat. I mean, I'm 47. There are bits that don't do what you want them to do any more," she said in an interview with BBC Radio 4. But, she revealed, instead of dwelling on the changes, she has a simple motto to get herself through. "There is something kind of fab about going, 'Oh well, that's just the way it is, isn't it?'"
She added, "I think women come into their 40s, certainly mid-40s, thinking, 'Oh well, this is the beginning of the decline and, you know, things start to change and fade and kind of slide in directions that I don't want them to go in anymore.' And, you know, I've just decided, 'No'."
To get into this no-negativity mindset, Kate explained that instead of focusing on the supposedly negative changes going on in her 40s, she's chosen instead to focus on the positive and empowering ones - and there's a tonne of them to feel good about!
"We become more woman, more powerful, more sexy," she said of women as they age. "We grow into ourselves more. We have opportunity to speak and speak our mind and not be afraid of what people think of us, not care what we look like quite so much."
"I think it's amazing. Let's go girls, let's just be in our power. Why not? Life's too flipping short, you know?"
Kate's refreshing view has left fans not only praising the actress, but sharing their own positive stories of ageing too.
"Ageing is a privilege," one wrote on Instagram. "Not everyone gets to do it - we need to embrace the goddess within, junk all the negatives and be us."
Another added, "I’m 71 and grateful to be growing old. I’ve embraced my grey hair and the wrinkles that show I’ve lived a life."
And a third fan commented, "Love this reminder - also loving that I’m not the only 47-year-old with an arthritic big toe!"