Watch as Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron lead the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in the presence of WWII veterans.
Moving letters from veterans were read out as ceremonies took place in Normandy on Thursday 6 June to mark the 80th anniversary of the 1944 landings, when more than 150,000 Allied soldiers invaded France by sea and air to drive out the forces of Nazi Germany.
With war raging in Ukraine on Europe's borders, this year's commemoration of this turning point in the Second World War carries special resonance.
The anniversary takes place in a year of many elections, including for the European Parliament this week and in the US in November.
Leaders are set to draw parallels with WW2 and warn of the dangers of isolationism and the far-right.
Meanwhile some 200 veterans, most of them American or British, are set to take part in ceremonies throughout the day on windswept beaches that still bear the scars of the fighting that erupted on D-Day, history's largest amphibious invasion, in which thousands of Allied soldiers died.