LaMelo Ball showed off some fresh ink on Wednesday evening through a video on Twitter from friend Ashton King. While LaMelo isn’t nearly as tatted as brother Lonzo, he has some notable pieces of his own and added to it on Wednesday with an elaborate new piece.
Ball’s latest piece on his left ankle was caught on video by friend Ashton King. The artwork reads “Sky Is The Limit” at the top with an astronaut and spaceship below as part of a more elaborate drawing.
The tattoo was completed by artist Herchell Carrasco, who also shared his own video of the tattoo after finishing the piece.
Like Lonzo and LiAngelo, LaMelo has gotten work done, including a huge piece on his chest that is often visible under his basketball jerseys. Memorably during the early seasons of the family’s Facebook show “Ball in the Family,” LiAngelo was the first to get a tattoo of the brothers, much to the disapproval of LaVar.
Lonzo’s artwork is far more extensive. He finished a sleeve on his left arm this summer dedicated to influential African-American figures.