According to the ANI news agency, Sukhi's ₹1.5 crore house was falling in the path of the Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway, which is being built under the Centre's Bharatmala project.
Therefore, the Punjab government had offered him some money to dismantle the two-storey house. But the farmer's novel idea protected his dream house from demolition. Instead, he relocated his house 500 feet back from its current spot to permit the construction of the highway.
With the help of construction workers, the farmer's house has been moved by 250 feet, and work is currently underway to reach the target of 500 feet. Some gears that resemble wheels are attached to the home to move it away from the field.
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Delhi-Amritsar-Katra expressway:
The 669-kilometre-long Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway will be developed at a total cost of about ₹39,500 crore. It will halve the travel time from Delhi to Amritsar and Delhi to Katra. The expressway will be India’s longest Expressway passing through Haryana, Punjab, and Jammu & Kashmir. One of the major benefits from it would be that travel time from Katra to Delhi which presently takes around 11 to 12 hours will come down by at least 5 to 6 hours.