Footage has surfaced showing a dingo nipping a French tourist on the backside on Fraser Island in Australia.
The incident occurred weeks before a 10-year-old boy was dragged underwater by a dingo while he camped with family on the island.
The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, which has issued warnings about the feral canines, said the boy was walking alone when he was attacked on June 16.
He was held underwater briefly before his 12-year-old sister rushed to the rescue. The boy suffered puncture wounds but was not seriously injured.
The dingo involved in that attack was not euthanized.
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The French tourist was bitten as she sunbathed at Eurong on the eastern side of Fraser Island. The incident occurred in late April or May, according to ABC Australia.
The dingo had already attacked other tourists and a decision was made to euthanize the animal.
As Fraser Island prepares for a busy tourist season, officials are concerned that dingoes are becoming too fearless around humans.
–Footage courtesy of the Department of Environment and Science