Following the passing of the Queen of Rock'n'Roll Tina Turner last week, tributes from the music world have been flooding in, with several reflecting on her many fabulous performances, such as the time she appeared on The Midnight Special with former husband Ike.
Throughout her long career, Turner famously maintained a friendship with David Bowie, and the pair collaborated on his single Tonight, lifted from the 1984 LP of the same name.
The pair crossed paths on numerous other projects, including a handful of live duets and a commercial for Pepsi, who regularly recruited A-list celebrities for their campaigns, including Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and Beyoncé. Pepsi also sponsored many of Turner's tours, including 1985's Private Dancer Tour, 1987's the Break Every Rule Tour and 1990's the Foreign Affair Tour in 1990.
Turner and Pepsi also teamed up for three commercials. The first featured the song We Got The Taste, in which Tina duetted with a number of international singers. In 1990 she shared a mic with Rod Stewart on the hit It Takes Two. And then there was the Bowie ad, titled Creation. The clip found the duo sing the Starman's 1983 hit Modern Love, and dancing together at the climax under an explosion of sparks from a neon Pepsi sign.
The main part of the commercial sees Bowie work his way around a laboratory like some kind of mad scientist, before accidentally creating Turner in a Frankenstein-esque experiment gone wrong (or very right), after spilling a bottle of Pepsi on his work desk.
Check it out below.