Fans of the late Crazy Mohan’s Chocolate Krishna are in for a treat on Saturday evening. They can watch the drama on YouTube, Facebook and on Kalakendra from 7 p.m. onwards. The play was shot on stage to be hosted online sometime last year with Mohan playing Lord Krishna.
Mohan’s brother and actor Madhu Balaji said there will be a short introduction about the making of the play that has been staged 1,024 times so far, before the show. “We wanted to rejuvenate the drama scene and bring fresh audiences, which was why our primary targets were children. And we learnt and practised magic from Shivaji Chaturvedi, an expert,” he said.
Though the show will be telecast free for all, those who are willing to contribute through online payments towards stage artistes, makeup men, set artistes and the lighting men are welcome to do so, he added.
The show, being supported by sponsors, can be accessed by those around the globe on these links: