Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 will let players know when someone's been kicked from a match for cheating.
Call of Duty Season 5 went live in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 yesterday, August 2, and there's quite an intriguing change. The Ricochet anti-cheat tool is now changing to let in-game players know when a player from their match has been kicked from the game for cheating.
RICOCHET has entered the chat 🛡️Starting in Season 05, the kill feed will notify lobbies when #TeamRICOCHET and it's systems have removed a problem player from the game.August 2, 2023
It's quite the gambit from Call of Duty. Stamping out cheaters is obviously at the top of the developer's to-do list, but we're a little unclear as to whether this feature will display the in-game IDs of players that it kicks in real-time. Will players know who it is who's been cheating, or just that someone's been cheating in their match?
The change has been met with - if you can believe it - a positive reception from Call of Duty players. "That will be encouraging to know! This is a cool change," writes one Twitter user. "Today really is a W day for the game, I feel. Ty," writes another. There are a lot of "W"s throughout the responses on Twitter, signifying a big dub for Ricochet.
Elsewhere in Season 5, Call of Duty is adding dog companions back into the series. Dogs could be Killstreak rewards back in older Call of Duty games, and now they're returning to the battlefield for both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Mercifully, Merlin the German Shepherd is immune to damage, so enemy players can't go harming our new best friend.
Keep in mind that a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 reveal is imminent, thanks to a recent comment from developer Sledgehammer Games.