Adult Disability Payment (ADP) will replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for more than 305,000 people living in Scotland this year, having already opened to new applicants in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles in March as part of a phased rollout.
The next council areas to open for applications from new claimants will be in Angus, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire on Monday, June 20.
Existing PIP and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants will not start to transfer from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits system to Social Security Scotland until August 29 and do not need to re-apply for the new disability payment.
This means any changes in circumstances will need to be reported to DWP until existing claimants receive a letter from Social Security Scotland advising them of when they will migrate to the devolved benefits system - you can read more about these here.
However, guidance from Social Security Scotland, carries a stark warning about reporting changes in circumstances for those who already get Adult Disability Payment and anyone who has applied, but not had a decision yet.
It warns: “It’s important that you tell Social Security Scotland about any changes so they can make sure you continue to get the right rate of payment for your needs.
“If you do not tell Social Security Scotland about a change that could affect your award, you may be committing an offence under section 72 of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018.”
The legislation states that failing to report a change in circumstances - which would result in an award for Adult Disability Payment being stopped or lowered - could result in a fine and/or up to 12 months in prison.
Legal definition
A person commits an offence if:
- the person fails to notify the Scottish Ministers about a change in circumstances as soon as reasonably practicable after it occurs
- the person does not have a reasonable excuse for failing to do so
- the person knew or ought to have known that the change might result in an individual ceasing to be entitled to assistance, or becoming entitled to less assistance
Types of changes you should tell Social Security Scotland
Changes to personal and contact details
Social Security Scotland needs to keep your personal and contact details up to date so they can keep in touch about your payments - this includes how you want to be contacted, like getting your letters in Braille or a language other than English.
Name change
This could be following a marriage or civil partnership, or if you have legally changed your name.
Change of address
This could be if you have moved house or changed address:
- In Scotland
- To another part of the UK
- To outside the UK
You should also update Social Security Scotland if:
- You have a new phone number or email address you would like them to use to contact you
- You want Social Security Scotland to send your letters to a different address than your own
- You want to change the way you want Social Security Scotland to contact you, including by phone, British Sign Language video call or letter
- If you would like to get letters in other formats including Braille, easy read, large print, or audio file
- If you would like to get calls and letters in a language other than English
- If you would like to get text messages or emails about other benefits or surveys available from Social Security Scotland
Payment details
Social Security Scotland needs your most up to date payment details to make sure you receive your Adult Disability Payment.
Tell them about any changes to your:
- Bank account
- Building society
- Credit union
- Other agreed payment arrangement
For your security, you cannot send any change in payment details using the paper or online form, you need to call them to report a change to your payment details.

Changes to your disability or condition or the help you need
For your Adult Disability Payment, Social Security Scotland need to know the most up to date information about your:
- Symptoms
- Diagnosis
- Medications
- Treatments
They also need to know about your mental or physical ability to carry out the following activities:
- Preparing food
- Taking nutrition (eating or drinking)
- Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
- Washing and bathing
- Managing toilet needs or incontinence
- Dressing and undressing
- Communicating verbally
- Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
- Engaging socially with other people face to face
- Making budgeting decisions
- Planning and following journeys
- Moving around
This includes information about:
- Your ability to carry out these activities safely
- Any tools or support you may need
- The mental or physical impact of carrying out these activities
When to tell Social Security Scotland
You must tell Social Security Scotland if your disability, condition or needs have changed in the longer term.
This could be if there is a change to:
- Your symptoms, diagnosis, medications and treatments
- Your ability to carry out one or more of the activities
- The level of help or care you need
- The tools or equipment you need
You should also tell Social Security Scotland about any emotional, mental or physical distress you experience due to these changes.
You do not need to tell Social Security Scotland if your condition changes on a day-to-day basis, unless this is a new condition or it changes in the longer term.
Changes to your care arrangements
You must also tell Social Security Scotland if you:
- You go into or come out of hospital (overnight or for a longer period) or hospice
- Move away from Scotland, either temporarily or permanently
- You go into or come out of a care home or residential care
- You go into or come out of a residential educational establishment, prison or other detention facility
You do not need to tell Social Security Scotland about routine or clinical appointments or day treatments in hospital.
If you get other benefits from Social Security Scotland like Best Start Foods or Scottish Child Payment, you may need to tell them about changes - find out more here.
How to tell Social Security Scotland about a change
Call Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222 to ask a question or to get help reporting a change - opening times are Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Other ways to contact Social Security Scotland can be found on the website here.
To keep up to date with the changes to PIP in Scotland, join our Money Saving Scotland Facebook group here, follow Record Money on Twitter here, or subscribe to our twice weekly newsletter here.