Orchids are one of the most popular houseplants, largely down to their unique and beautiful flowers- and experts have now revealed that watering your orchid with rice water is the key to even better blooms this year.
Orchids can have a bit of a reputation for being difficult to look after (I personally have killed my fair few), which is why it’s worth knowing all the tips and tricks of how to care for an orchid.
According to experts the secret ingredient to making your orchid thrive is leftover rice water. What you would typically pour down the sink is in fact the perfect fertiliser for giving your orchid all the extra nutrients it needs.
Why is rice water a good fertiliser for orchids?

‘Rice water is beneficial to orchids as it contains starches that can provide the plant energy,’ explains Graham Smith MCIHort, a horticultural expert from LBS Horticulture.
‘Rice water can also contain vitamin B, which will be released into the orchid's soil when it is used for watering. Vitamin B can help your orchid build a robust root system, and it is often found in commercial plant fertilisers.
‘Using rice water can also aid with building up beneficial bacteria in the soil, which can lead to a healthier root system.’
As we’re still in winter, and colder weather is still on the menu for the next few months, adding rice water to your orchid can help combat winter houseplant problems.
‘This is because rice water also: contains essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which support plant growth and flowering,’ says Luke Dejahang, Gardening Expert and CEO of Crown Pavilions.
How to use rice water to water your orchid
The best thing about this hack is that it’s so easy to come by. All you need to do is save the rice water left over from cooking dinner.
‘First of all, you need to collect your rice water. This is rather straightforward to do, just simply save the water from rinsing or boiling rice, and let it cool to room temperature,’ says Luke.

‘With the collected rice water, you should water your orchids with it every two to three weeks, directly pouring it onto the roots and soil, as well as a few additional mists every couple of days if you want to give the plant additional nutrients.’
Graham says you should not use the rice water if you have salted it or added any other seasonings to the water.
‘There is no ideal amount of time to leave the rice in water, but it is often considered to be ready to use on your plants when it has developed a cloudy appearance. The rice water should be diluted before using it on plants, usually with one part rice water to one part normal water, as using undiluted rice water may harden the potting mix of your orchid,’ he says.
‘When using this on orchids, take care not to water them too often, and it should not be used as a replacement for proper watering and fertilising. Ideally, you should use rice water on an orchid no more than once every two months. If used too often, the starch in the rice water can begin to form a paste that can affect soil drainage, leading to root rot.’
So, if your orchid is looking like it needs a boost this winter, we recommend using the water from your next rice-based meal to give it a helping hand.