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Winter weather isn't going anywhere anytime soon, making it all the more reason to stock up on cozy essentials. In addition to cold weather outdoor gear, like a packable puffer jacket or boots, you're going to want to invest in warm and comfortable clothes to lounge in at home, too. The best option? Sweatpants. And there's an incredible deal on a pack of three at Walmart.
Right now, the Galaxy by Harvic 3-Pack of Sweatpants is on sale for as low as $27. With an original price tag of $59, you can essentially score the sweatpants at $9 a piece.
Galaxy by Harvic 3-Pack Sweatpants, From $27 (was $59) at Walmart
The sweatpants are fleece-lined with a jogger silhouette that provides both style and comfort. They come in two different styles: one set with regular pockets and another with zip pockets. (The latter are a great option for keeping your keys or phone secure while you're going for a run or working out!) The sweats are available in a variety of colors and patterns, including black, navy, gray, camo, red, and more.
According to shoppers, the sweatpants are exactly what they "needed, expected, and hoped for" as they are "very soft and comfy," "fit perfectly," and keep you warm. "These are the most comfortable joggers," one shopper said, adding that they're "super soft on the inside."
"I LOVE these joggers. They are thick but not too thick that they make me hot, have deep pockets, and stayed fuzzy inside after washing," another customer said. Other shoppers complimented the warmth and design, saying they are "well-lined and warm" and that the "ankle cuffs keep the cold air out."
If there's anything better than one pair of cozy sweatpants, it's a pack of three. For as low as $9 per pair, the bestselling Galaxy by Harvic 3-Pack Sweatpants on sale is a steal.