Part Two of a three-part series. Part One, Will China Be The Winner in VR/AR? appeared in Forbes yesterday.
When new technologies and markets are being developed, they generate intense
interest in two questions: “What forms will these things take?” and “Who will be the leaders?” And in recent years, in just about every field, that second question leads to a third: “What are the Chinese doing?”

The three blogs we are to cover three main parts of interest for Western managers.
First, a general overview of China’s growth as an “innovation country.”
In blog II, a closer look at Chinese activity in VR/AR.
The final blog explores a topic that is an important factor to consider, in
deciding whether Chinese companies can become leaders in VR/AR: Some
have adopted new management models explicitly geared to innovation,
flexibility, and rapid growth.In our previous blog, we’ve looked at factors that make China a significant player in innovation generally. These same factors are now converging specifically to build the country’s growing strengths in virtual and augmented reality.
What stands out most, overall, is that we are seeing top-down and widespread commitment to VR/AR in all parts of the vast Chinese economy. VR/AR is literally—and officially—being treated as a big thing in the world’s biggest nation.
Here is an initial overview of key forces at work, after which we’ll delve more deeply into a couple of them.
- The VR/AR push in China has top-level backing. President Xi Jinping speaks of its importance,[i] and the central government’s current (2016-2020) Five Year Plan includes virtual reality as a focus area for economic growth. In concert with this, a host of government-related and government-supported initiatives have been launched at levels from the national to the local. Some are radical, such as the striking idea of creating entire “VR towns.”[ii]
- Major Chinese companies are exploring VR/AR. The “big 3” Internet firms, Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent, have significant ventures under way. So do mobile phone maker Xiaomi and numerous more. These moves come in addition to existing activity by firms that focus on, say, low-cost headset manufacturing or game development. There is also a growing amount of cross-border activity and partnering. Most notably, Taiwan-based HTC has targeted China as a key ground for sales and development of its HTC Vive products.[iii] And to cite another example, California-based Jaunt partnered with Shanghai Media Group and others in 2017 to form Jaunt China—a joint venture aimed at, among other things, providing both Chinese- and English-language VR content for Xiaomi’s new headsets.[iv]
Not all signs are positive. It has been noted, for instance, that China lags in some areas of cutting-edge technology,[v] that many Chinese VR startups have failed,[vi] and that (as previously mentioned) firms like the Alibaba-Baidu-Tencent trio haven’t had much previous success in globalizing their offerings. (As one expert told this author, they “haven’t found the formula yet for going global.”)[vii]
But the technology is still evolving. Many startups of all types fail.[viii] And the big 3 firms have tremendous resources going forward: a news report pointed out that their combined market capitalization is greater than the GDP of Israel.[ix] Which leads us to further advantages that China’s emerging VR/AR industries can enjoy.
- Plenty of money is behind the push. Newer Chinese VR companies received a total of US$543 million in venture capital during 2015-16.[x] Meanwhile the big firms are spending on multiple fronts: funding their in-house VR programs, creating spinouts that move into VR (like the Baidu spinout iQiyi), and investing in VR startups both at home and abroad.[xi]
Total government investment in VR/AR is hard to assess at this writing, but is surely substantial and growing, given the scope of efforts that we’ll describe shortly. And last but not least, VR/AR revenues in China are growing rapidly.

One forecast projects them to grow to US$8.5 billion by 2020[xii]—a hefty number, yet still not the whole story. The revenue projections reflect a powerful underlying force:
- Chinese people seem to be falling in love with virtual reality. Already there are more than 3000 VR arcades spread across the country, many of them placed in malls to draw walk-by traffic from shoppers. These arcades tend to be fully loaded setups—with “stunning booths, that stand out by an extensive use of hardware like special seats and reproductions of vehicles,” as a foreign observer noted[xiii]—while simple stand-alone VR eggs are popping up everywhere, in locations such as bars and coffee shops.[xiv]
In short, the huge home market that we described earlier in the chapter is translating to a very vibrant new market for virtual reality. Let’s start our closer looks at key forces with a bit of detail on this market and what it means for Chinese firms.
Inside China’s ‘Love Affair’ with VR
The VR arcades, in particular, are seen as boosting further growth of the industry in two ways. First, they “democratize” and popularize virtual reality, by making quality VR available to Chinese consumers who can’t or won’t buy high-end gear for home use, but will readily spend a few yuan for half-hour sessions at an arcade. And, the arcades serve as testbeds where content developers and equipment makers alike can find out what appeals to various kinds of customers.[xv]
In terms of content, for instance: “Men like a haunted house, and zombie games, while women prefer magic house types. Children like watching the simulation of sceneries,” said the young owner of a Shanghai arcade—who reported his revenues climbing at around 30% per month, with repeat customers coming back and bringing their friends.[xvi]

The same news article on Shanghai’s arcade scene revealed other interesting market insights. A mountain-climbing game is popular with customers who want to overcome their fear of heights, while the CEO of a content-and-arcade company said he’s aiming to displace pricier forms of entertainment for families: “Not many parents can afford to take their child to the amusement park 10 times per year, but VR can make a child feel like they are at the amusement park.”[xvii]
Moreover, the growing popularity of VR in China could have a long-term ripple effect. If, as we saw earlier in the chapter, Chinese people are increasingly tech-savvy and highly educated—and if more young Chinese are now being exposed to virtual reality—wouldn’t more of them become likely to go on and work in the VR/AR industries, thus building up the country’s talent pool? A young product manager at a VR technology firm in Shenzhen has blogged about being caught up in the wave himself. In a long and thoughtfully researched 2017 post, he wrote of the advances he hopes to see in several areas, as “more and more content creators” come onstream while Chinese companies move from “imitating and catching up with” world-class technologies to “improving and creating new ones” to deliver the content effectively.[xviii]

Now let’s turn to what government is doing to support such advances. This will be followed by general commentary and analysis on activity in Chinese firms.
Government Initiatives: Tangible Support for a Virtual World
President Xi Jinping, who was educated in engineering (at Tsinghua University),[xix] has emphasized the role that technology must play in China’s future. In an oft-quoted speech at the B20 Summit in Hangzhou in 2016, he made it clear that VR will be part of the picture:
Scientific and technological innovation holds the key to development … The new round of scientific and industrial revolution with Internet at its core is gathering momentum, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality are developing by leaps and bounds. The combination of the virtual economy and the real economy will bring revolutionary changes to our way of work and way of life …[xx]

Adding a personal touch, Xi has visited VR research centers and been photographed tinkering with headsets. In a country where people closely watch the tone set by leaders, that’s a subtle but strong message that VR is “cool.”[xxi]
And tangible steps are being taken to drive its growth. The release of the 2016-2020 Five Year Plan has been accompanied by government-related VR initiatives all up and down the line. Steps at the national level include creating a true industry ecosystem, with joint public/private-sector bodies to identify and encourage best practices, support and evaluate R&D, and so forth. (Two bodies of this type, both formed in 2016, are the China Virtual Reality Industry Alliance[xxii] and the VR Application Branch of China’s Culture and Entertainment Industry Association.[xxiii])
As for steps elsewhere, consider this flurry of activity reported by a Chinese news outlet in early 2016 alone:
Nanchang Municipality has announced it plans to turn Nanchang into the world’s first virtual reality city, while Chengdu hosts a virtual reality industry park … April 1, Changsha held a virtual reality conference, April 9, the Ministry of Industry and Electronic Information Division in Shenzhen City Convention and Exhibition Center organized a “virtual reality industry development forum,” and in Beijing the GIC Virtual Reality Summit has just come to an end.[xxiv]
There is much more. Formal central-government initiatives include “Internet Plus” and “VR+”, with the latter apparently aimed at expanding the use of VR/AR technologies in traditional industries.[xxv] China’s official state-owned news agency, Xinhua, launched a VR/AR channel in May 2016.[xxvi] New R&D labs are being formed both by the central government, and by partnerships between private firms and municipalities.[xxvii]
And the most ambitious plans involve building “VR towns,” which could host VR/AR companies while also incorporating the latest technologies into nearly every aspect of municipal operation and daily life: health care, schools, public services, entertainment (of course) and more. One such project is targeted for Donghu, a district of Nanchang City in southeast China.[xxviii] Another project, already in construction, is Beidouwan VR Town in Guian New Area. This one—meant to seed new economic growth for its home province, Ghizhou—is shaping up as a sort of highly enhanced industrial park. It will house companies and workers across a range of VR/AR sectors along with having demonstration areas and facilities for conferences and tourism.[xxix]
According to an expert interviewed by the author, the government’s growing emphasis on VR/AR is producing a double-edged effect. On the one hand, officials at provincial and local levels are moved to propose projects in hopes of securing grant money and scoring “political points” with Beijing. On the other hand, much good is being done. Schools are becoming more VR-oriented; the VR town concept could provide excellent live testbeds for new applications; progress on all fronts is encouraged.[xxx]

To sum up: through government involvement at various levels, China is acquiring a very well-rounded infrastructure for innovation in virtual and augmented reality.
The Private Sector: Projects and Prospects
VR/AR activities at private firms in China are difficult to summarize, because so much is going on and things change so rapidly. (Indeed, the country’s IT industries are marked by speed. As one source put it, “Chinese companies can offer similar features to their Western counterparts at an accelerated rhythm.”[xxxi]) So here, we will just try to touch on key aspects of the picture.
To begin with, company initiatives cover a broad range. Alibaba Group, the giant e-commerce operator, is (not surprisingly) developing applications around online shopping. These include giving customers greater ability to examine products through VR/AR, and live-streamed VR entertainment in connection with special events like the company’s annual Singles Day sale.[xxxii] But Alibaba also has ventures like a newly established GnomeMagic Lab to create VR content for its movie and TV units.[xxxiii]
Xiaomi, which grew rapidly in China’s mobile phone market by offering good-quality, feature-rich phones at relatively low prices, now seems to be trying that formula with mobile VR. The company’s Mi VR headsets—designed to work with its widely used Mi phones, and some others—have been reviewed as having better-than-average quality and features, plus a growing selection of open-platform content, at a budget price.[xxxiv]
There would seem to be a niche for such a product in China. Vast quantities of ultra-cheap wearable viewers are produced there—so many, in fact, that our previously mentioned VR blogger worries they could “decay” or ruin the VR market by giving people a low-quality experience[xxxv]—while top-of-the-line equipment remains a financial reach for most consumers. The Mi VR scored strong initial sales by targeting the potential sweet spot in between, but it remains to be seen if such products will prevail eventually.
Altogether, regarding the general near-term prospects for VR/AR development in China, expert observers we have interviewed and/or read in secondary sources have put forth the following thoughts:
- The hardware sector will probably be a strong point, given the country’s experience in physical products plus the emergence of “interesting players” in VR hardware. Companies mentioned in this category included: Lenovo, which among other things has partnered with Microsoft and with Disney on content. Also HTC Vive, with its increasing presence on the mainland, plus firms such as Yi Technology (maker of the Yi Halo VR camera, in partnership with Google), headset makers Xiaomi and Deepoon VR, and last but not least, Huawei.[xxxvi] The company is a global leader in developing 5G cell networks, which would then enable further advances in other fields—including VR. If Chinese cities are among the first to have wide-scale deployment of the networks, as Huawei’s 5G chief has predicted they will be,[xxxvii] this could benefit China’s VR/AR industry generally.

- Aside from the booming arcade business, early adoption of consumer VR in China appears to be headed mostly toward mobile rather than in-home systems as in the West.[xxxviii] One reason is cost; another is that the Chinese are keen mobile-phone users, and yet another is that they tend to be status-conscious: it’s easier to show off and share your new VR system when you are out and about, whereas fewer people would see it in your home.[xxxix]
- Content development is critical. The content, after all, is what users ultimately want, and it’s also where a lot of the money will be made: According to a report in the South China Morning Post, revenue from VR content alone “is forecasted to hit USD3.6 billion in China by 2021 with over half coming from video and 46% from gaming.”[xl] A host of Chinese firms are plunging into such content production, both in-house and with partners and spinouts. The entrants range from IT-based companies such as Baidu and Tencent[xli] to those with roots in the movie industry, as when China’s Sky Limit Entertainment partnered with M2K of France to drive content creation and VR theme-park business in both countries.[xlii]
Content beyond entertainment is being developed in China, too—recall that the VR towns are being planned so as to use and/or demonstrate a wide range of other applications—but how those market sectors will play out remains largely uncertain at present. For now, it seems that immersive video and gaming will be the first content sectors to mature.[xliii]
Another major unknown, of course, is the degree to which Chinese VR/AR will penetrate global markets. An expert observer offered a very practical take on this subject: with Chinese firms having such a huge home market, “Why would [they] go outside China? … It is both a lack of incentives and their culture and management style that hinders them from going global.”[xliv]
For the near term, we may in fact see Chinese VR/AR focused primarily on the Chinese market. But we’ve mentioned various partnerships with U.S. and European firms, and ventures outside China are not limited to those markets. Xiaomi, for one, has been selling its Mi phones quite successfully in India,[xlv] while Tencent has planted footholds in Indonesia[xlvi]—the Asian and Pacific Rim regions should not be discounted.
Further, it is possible that Chinese companies’ “culture and management style” may not be a hindrance to competing globally. In our third blog we will present evidence that suggests the opposite. Some leading Chinese tech firms appear to be adopting new management models that could give them a competitive advantage.
This was the second in a three-part series. Read part one. Part three will be published tomorrow.

[i] Xi Jinping (2016) Keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the B20 Summit in Hangzhou. Transcript from People’s Daily, 4 Sept. 2016.
[ii] Chang, C. (2017) per note 19.
[iii] See for example Robertson, A. (2017) HTC is launching an all-in-one Vive headset just for China. The Verge, 26 July 2017.
[iv] Jaunt, Inc. (2017) Jaunt VR App Officially Launches in China on Xiaomi VR Headset., 13 June 2017.
[v] Interview by author, source kept anonymous, July 2017.
[vi] Damiani, J. (2017) 90% of Chinese VR Startups Have Gone Bankrupt. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing. VRScout, 1 Jan. 2017.
[vii] Graylin, A. (2017) Skype interview by author of Alvin Graylin, 31 Aug. 2017.
[viii] Damiani, J. (2017) per note 38.
[ix] Chen, L.Y. (2016) China’s Virtual Reality Market Will Be Worth $8.5 Billion and Everyone Wants a Piece., 19 May 2016.
[x] Dayan, Y. (2017) 6 reasons why China is leading virtual reality growth worldwide., 14 February 2017. -c9a37f4ef2ec
[xi] Llamas, S. (2016) How China’s biggest companies are crushing it at virtual reality. Develop online, 20 Sept. 2016.
[xii] Chen, L.Y. (2016) per note 41.
[xiii] Dayan, Y. (2017) per note 42.
[xiv] C-Milk and SerpentZA (2017) China Leads the World in Virtual Reality. Video commentary posted on YouTube, 14 May 2017.
[xv] Yoo, E. (2016) Virtual Reality Arcades Are Booming in Shanghai., 12 Aug. 2016.
[xvi] Ibid
[xvii] Ibid
[xviii] Zhang, Z. (2017) 6 Things You Need to Know About Chinese VR Market., 2 March 2017.
[xix] Wikipedia (2017) Xi Jinping., edited 4 Oct. 2017.
[xx] Xi Jinping (2016) per note 33.
[xxi] C-Milk and SerpentZA (2017) per note 46.
[xxii] Liu Shore (undated) Virtual Reality Becomes Prevalent Once More. at
[xxiii] See for example Deepoon VR (2017) China’s DPVR Launches New PC Helmet E3. PR Newswire, 29 March 2017.
[xxiv] Liu Shore (undated) per note 54.
[xxv] Graylin, A. (2017) per note 39.
[xxvi] Dayan, Y. (2017) per note 42.
[xxvii] Ibid
[xxviii] See for example this (mainly Chinese-language) video: Beijing TVC (2016). Donghu VR Town. Posted on YouTube 21 June 2016.
[xxix] Guian New Area (2017). Guian New Area to Establish Beidouwan VR Town to Jumpstart Virtual Reality Opportunities. PR Newswire, 27 Feb. 2017.
[xxx] Graylin, A. (2017) per note 39.
[xxxi] Dayan, Y. (2017) per note 42.
[xxxii] Zhang, Z. (2017) per note 50.
[xxxiii] Chen, L.Y. (2016) per note 41.
[xxxiv] See for example Charara, S. (2017) Xiaomi Mi VR Review., 21 March 2017.
[xxxv] Zhang, Z. (2017) per note 50.
[xxxvi] Interview sources include Wang, S (2017) Skype interview with Sam Wang of Skylimit Entertainment, 1 Oct 2017, and Graylin, A. (2017) per note 39.
[xxxvii] Sin, B. (2017) How Huawei Is Leading 5G Development., 28 Apr. 2017.
[xxxviii] Park, M. (2017) 4 things that make the China VR market unique., 5 July 2017.
[xxxix] Interview, anon. source per note 62.
[xl] Soo, Z. (2017a) Chinese will use 86 million virtual reality headsets within five years. South China Morning Post, 8 June 2017.
[xli] Chen, L.Y. (2016) per note 41.
[xlii] Keslassy, E. (2017) Zhang Yimou’s Sky Limit Entertainment, France’s MK2 Launch VR Venture SoReal. Variety, 24 May 2017.
[xliii] Soo, Z. (2017a) per note 72.
[xliv] Graylin, A. (2017) per note 39.
[xlv] See for example Rutnik, M. (2017) Xiaomi sets sales record due to high demand in India., 2 Oct. 2017.
[xlvi] Wu, K. and Zhu, J. (2017) China’s Tencent invests in Indonesia’s Go-Jek amid SE Asia push: sources. Reuters, 4 July 2017.