Vogue Williams has revealed she doesn’t consider herself "sexy".
She admitted nobody ever tells her she’s sexy, unlike Taylor Swift or Beyonce.
She said: "Beyonce is so sexy, she can’t help it."
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The model opened up to her podcast listeners about parts of herself she doesn't love - and says she is considering getting the mole on her face removed.
"It is the biggest mole I’ve ever seen. It’s the molyest of moles," she told comedian Joanne McNally on My Therapist Ghosted Me.
Vogue said: "I was looking at my mole the other day and I said, 'I think you’ve got to go, my friend.'
"It’s a bit gross when you’re plucking your mole."

The Howth native went on to reveal that she has huge hands and said her daughter, Gigi, prefers her with mascara on.
"She’s like, no, Mummy, I don’t like you with no eyelashes."
The star also said she was plagued by verrucas on her feet when she was young and had to wear special white socks when going to the local swimming pool.
Vogue continued: "Are verrucas still a thing? I used to get them all the time as a kid.
"I used to have to go to a chiropodist."
The mum-of-three, who is married to UK reality star Spencer Matthews, said she used to be self-conscious of her height at 5ft 11in.
She said: "Listen, Spenny is the same height as me.
"Before I actually met Spenny I walked by him on my way to a charity event and I did look at him and go, he’s quite small in real life.
"And then I married him. I think it’s because I am a giant."
She said her height was a drawback in school.
"I hated how tall I was. And I had the deepest voice in my class."
- Vogue Williams slams exorbitant wedding costs as she rejects renewing vows with Spencer Matthews
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