The latest new toy on sale in Ukraine is a Vladimir Putin voodoo doll and it comes with a noose and three Ukrainian flags on pins to stick into the effigy.
One Telegram channel said: “It has already appeared in Kyiv shops.”
The coffin says on the lid, in Ukrainian: “Death to Enemies.”
On the inside is an obscenity directed at Putin.
The figure shows Putin in a grey suit, and on a video the pins are stuck into his head, chest and abdomen.

Ukrainian official Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, posted the doll online with the hashtags ‘StopWar’ and ‘Humour’.
He said: “This is cooler than a new iPhone.
“Already on sale, an anti-stress toy called ‘Stab Putin’.
“If you feel it’s not enough, you can hang the dwarf by his scrawny neck, and let it hang anywhere you like.”
The wrapping of the toy bears a large Z - the Russian military symbol for the war, and 200 (for cargo 200), standing for Cargo 200, meaning war dead.
It comes after billionaire philanthropist George Soros predicted the invasion - which just passed the three-month mark - could spark World War III and end civilisation as we know it.

The 91-year-old was giving his traditional dinner speech at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland where he addressed the large group of attendees at Davos 2022.
He said the West’s only hope was to “defeat (Vladimir) Putin as soon as possible” and that the war had “shaken Europe to its core”.
“The invasion may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilisation may not survive it,” said the Budapest-born Soros, who is said to be worth around $8.6 billion.

“We must mobilise all our resources to bring the war to an early end.
“The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilisation is to defeat Putin as soon as possible.
“Even when the fighting stops, as it eventually must, the situation will never revert to where it was before.
“Other issues that concern all of humanity – fighting pandemics and climate change, avoiding nuclear war, maintaining global institutions – have had to take a back seat to that struggle and that's why I say civilisation may not survive.”
One Russian analyst told state TV last week that the invasion is a "rehearsal" for a world war.
Professor Alexei Fenenko, a leading research fellow at the Institute of International Security Studies, signalled on the state-controlled channel Russia-1 that a future conflict could be with The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato).
Speaking on a discussion panel this week, Prof Fenenko used the term "war" - as opposed to the Kremlin's insistence that the Ukraine invasion was a "special military operation" - and suggested more was to come.
He said: "For us, the war in Ukraine is a rehearsal. Rehearsal for a possible bigger conflict in the future. We'll test and compare Nato weapons to our own, we'll find out on the battlefield how much stronger our weapons are then theirs. This may be a learning experience for future conflicts."