An insider has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has tried to detonate a nuke but was "sabotaged".
Top brass at the Kremlin is "sabotaging" his plans to use atomic weapons, or there may be technical failure issues, according to reports.
There has been a series of NOTAM (Notice To Air Missions) messages over recent days, which have been linked to Russian navigation warnings indicating tests or live firing drills.
So far, there have been few indications of any major testing, although the final date for such disruption in the Barents Sea is October 22.
At the same time, there are claims that earlier this month, Putin ordered two nuclear missile tests which did not, in fact, take place.

Valery Solovey, an expert on the president and former professor at Moscow's prestigious Institute of International Relations [MGIMO], a training school for spies and diplomats, said: "[Putin's] decision on the use of tactical nuclear weapons [in the Ukraine conflict] would no doubt face resistance.
"I don't know how effective the resistance will be, but I will indicate [that] nuclear tests were supposed to be held over the past two weeks, one in the Barents sea, underwater, and the second underground, in Arkhangelsk region.
"Both times, the tests were not held."
He alleged: "The reason is that before the launch, or more accurately, before the use of tactical nuclear weapons, it is necessary to make sure these weapons are fully operable…
"They had to be tested."
But both times, the potentially dangerous were "disrupted".
"The president got reports that there was an emergency situation, that it didn't work out", - implying technical failings.
Putin insisted that the tests are held in the future, said Sololvey.
He has also claimed the Kremlin leader has decided in principle to use nuclear weapons.
He added: "But the thing is, once is an accident, twice is a coincidence.
"But…if the third time tests end the same way, with nothing, [it will look like] sabotage…not fulfilling….the orders of the chief commander…."
This would show the "dissolution of [Putin's] authority, of Russia's executive power".
Earlier this month, it was reported that Nato had sent an intelligence note to its member countries warning that Putin had deployed his K-329 Belgorod nuclear submarine, carrier of apocalypse underwater drone Poseidon.
The Russian weapon is a giant nuclear-capable torpedo causing radioactive tsunamis laying waste to enemy coastlines.
Dmitry Kiselyov, a Russian TV propagandist, told viewers that Russia should "plunge Britain into the depths of the sea" with its "underwater robotic drone Poseidon" causing a 1,640ft tsunami.
Details of its unique high speed 125 mph underwater propulsion system have been closely guarded as a Russian secret.
Yet there have been no indications of a test launch so far.
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