The Las Vegas Strip smells like a Grateful Dead concert.
That's because while the city has legalized buying marijuana, it has not legalized consuming it outside of private residences. So, tourists can buy their pot, but can't smoke it in their hotel rooms, in casinos, or even in designated outdoor smoking areas.
This has created a sort of wink, wink setup with police. It's not technically legal to light up a joint while walking the Strip, but the aroma in the air suggests that it's happening quite regularly. Basically, law enforcement practices a policy of ignoring people lighting up as long as they're not causing other problems.
Of course, that's not an ideal scenario as people who legally purchase marijuana likely want to smoke it in a somewhat relaxed fashion. Lighting up discreetly in a hidden corner, in a parking lot, or in some other semi-private area may not be the vibe people who have made this purchase are hoping for.
That problem looks like it's about get solved as Las Vegas has finally advanced plans for cannabis consumption lounges.

Planet 13
Nevada Has a Marijuana Consumption Lounge Plan
Nevada legalized cannabis consumption lounges in 2021 but had not approved regulations for how they would operate. That changed June 28 as Nevada's Cannabis Compliance Board voted unanimously to a set of rules for the lounges, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
"While minor wrinkles in the licensing and regulatory policies can still be ironed out, Tuesday’s step laid the groundwork for local jurisdictions to regulate pot lounges," the paper explained.
Cities and towns can make the laws stronger, but not weaker. They can also limit the number of lounges.
Planet 13 Will Lead the Consumption Charge
Current dispensary owners can apply for licenses to operate lounges adjacent to their existing stores. That's something Planet 13 (PLNHF) , a leading Las Vegas cannabis dispensary, plans to do.
"We plan on adding a cannabis consumption lounge to our cannabis entertainment complex so users can enjoy consuming their favorite strain in a bar-like environment with fully trained servers," the company shared on its website.
"We are thrilled that after the long wait, Nevada will finally be home to consumption lounges. We've long believed that tourists needed a safe, legal, and enjoyable place to consume cannabis and have been planning for a consumption lounge at the SuperStore since the bill was originally proposed two years ago," said Bob Groesbeck co-CEO of Planet 13 said in a press release. .
Groesbeck also made it clear that his company planned to equal its impressive dispensary with its planned lounge.
"Our SuperStore is one of the only dispensaries with the space on site and the proximity to the Las Vegas Strip to create a truly Vegas style club. As with the rest of our dispensary we look forward to setting the bar and showing the industry what is possible when your goal is to Out Vegas, Vegas."
The state of Nevada will also issue "20 licenses to independent entrepreneurs. And half of those licenses must go to 'social equity applicants' who have negatively been affected by previous marijuana laws before the drug was legalized in 2017," the Register-Journal reported.
There are some rules restricting where the lounges can be located.
"Restrictions on licenses include that lounges not be within 1,000 feet of a K-12 school, within 300 feet from a community facility, or within 1,500 feet from a gambling establishment, according to the board," the paper added.
Casinos are not allowed to house consumption lounges or dispensary due to federal regulations. The first lounges are expected to begin operation later this year.