The National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, on Thursday said it would host a virtual tour of almost 100 works by artist Abanindranath Tagore to commemorate his 150th birth anniversary on Friday.
Director general Adwaita Charan Gadanayak said: “The NGMA takes pride in 99 works of art created by the iconic artist which are a part of prestigious collection. This virtual tour presents the 77 works of art from the prominent artworks of Abanindranath Tagore from the reserve collection of NGMA, grouped in a series of four different themes of portraits and characters, tradition with sensibility, individual style and landscape of interiority.”
The NGMA said in a statement: “Abanindranath Tagore is a singular figure in modern Indian art. He painted a range of subjects. He had a leaning towards painting images with historic or literary allusions.”