The Virgin River Christmas episodes have been released and fans were ecstatic to find out what's been going on with our favourite characters since the series break.
On November 30th, the show released two festive episodes for Christmas for Virgin River season 5, and there were a lot of twists and turns for our favourite characters! However, some questions were more prevalent than others, in particular: who is Mel's biological father in Virgin River? And is Mel pregnant? Here's what you need to know...

Who is Mel's biological father in Virgin River?
In the first of the two Christmas episodes, Mel and Jack decide to track down 'Champ' aka Mel's biological father who had an affair with her mother many years ago and wrote her several love letters.
Mel found out her biological father's name, Everett Reid and even tracked him down to a local address. However, the man who answered the door denied that he was the man she was looking for. Despite finding her biological father, she asks Doc to walk her down the aisle when she and Jack get married in the future.
In the final moments of the show, Everett visits Mel and Jack's cabin and tells Mel, 'You look so much like your mum' and confirms that he is her father. He bought her a recording of her late mum's voice as a gift and said that he had something important to tell her - but the show ran to credits before he could reveal what it was!

Is Mel pregnant?
Mel and Jack started thinking towards the future and spoke about having children and their future children many times.
Although the pair aren't actually expecting a baby, and Mel is not pregnant again since their miscarriage, the pair want to have a baby and that is now a big plan in their lives - which is perhaps why it was mentioned so many times in these festive episodes. This was slightly confusing for fans but her non-pregnant state is further confirmed as she is seen drinking wine at the end of the festive episodes.
She also is given a puppy by Jack in the last few moments of the show, showing how their lives as a family are coming together.

Virgin River Season 5 Christmas Episodes Recap
In other main events that took place, Charmaine finally had her babies! That poor woman has been pregnant with her twins forever and finally on Christmas Eve gave birth to her twin boys, fathered by Calvin.
Lizzy and Denny made plans for their baby and Lizzy finally told her mum that she was having a baby, she wasn't entirely on board at first but came around eventually!
Muriel and Dr. Cameron Hayek's romance was put in danger with the return of his ex-wife who said she wanted to give things another go and was sober. He chose Muriel but she said that the days of having children are behind her she wanted him to think about whether he wanted children properly before committing to Muriel now and resenting her later.
Doc and Hope got engaged (again) as he proposed to Hope on Christmas Eve and the town cheered the pair on for their upcoming nuptials.
The final moments of the show also revealed bad news for Brady who was being duped by his new girlfriend, Lark. On Christmas day Lark speaks to her daughter Hazel's father who is revealed to be Jimmy, Calvin's former partner in crime and who wants to get revenge on Brady for ruining his drug business. When Jimmy asks about Brady, Lark says, "He doesn’t suspect a thing." Suggesting their relationship is one big farce and Brady is about to get seriously played.