In one of the two photos, Singh, CEO of Sugar Cosmetics, is seen hugging her sons at the set of the show. In the other one, she is seen wearing a shark ring on her little finger. She posted the picture captioning them as “My 2 favouritest @sharktank.india fans in the world."
The pictures that were posted about 3 hours ago have received close to 19,000 like and several wonderful comments.
“If mommy is a shark then the kids of course are "Baby Shark"," joked an Instagram user. “Lovely pic," expressed another. “Cute," shared a third. “You people are doing a wonderful job by motivating Indian youths to scale their capabilities," wrote a fourth. Many showed their reactions through heart emoticons.
The show is based on the popular concept of the show of the same name - Shark Tank USA. It launched its first season in December last year.
'Shark Tank India 2' is judged by Anupam Mittal (Founder and CEO of - People Group), Aman Gupta (Co-Founder and CMO of boAt), Peyush Bansal (Founder and CEO of, Namita Thapar (Executive Director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals), Vineeta Singh (Co-Founder and CEO of SUGAR Cosmetics), and Amit Jain (CEO and Co-founder of CarDekho Group and