Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Photograph: NBC/John P. Fleenor
He won Emmys for stunning turns in gritty cop shows. He bagged theatrical awards for astonishing performances in Shakespearean histories. But for millions around the world, Andre Braugher – who sadly died at 61 – provided most joy with a discover that came later in his life: he was an impeccable comic actor whose role as Captain Raymond Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine was one of the sitcom world’s most iconic characters. Not to mention possibly the most meme-able comedic cop ever created. Here are some of his finest moments.
The full bullpen
One of Braugher’s greatest strengths was his ability to steal a scene with a single line. So it’s not surprising that one of his finest scenes features him appearing for precisely seven seconds, and speaking exactly three words – but doing it with such roaring intensity that it’s a fist-in-the-air moment of triumph.
Rosa’s prison visits
Almost every single one of Braugher’s countless hilarious moments in Brooklyn Nine-Nine come from his astonishing ability to pull off deadpan comedy. The opening episode to season five gives you his entire phenomenal range in one storyline. From the super-intense, stony-faced absurdity of his repetition of the word “Rosa” to his sublime misunderstanding of sexual innuendo – plus what has to be the world’s most monotone use of camp flamboyance – this is a whistlestop tour through all of Braugher’s trademarks as Captain Raymond Holt.
Everything is Not OK
The unbelievable gravitas of Braugher is what made his character a beloved household name. But in a show packed with whip-smart writing and a relentlessly sunny tone, there wasn’t a lot of opportunity for him to truly showcase the sheer theatrical heft he could bring to a monologue. Until, that is, Holt was forced to leave his beloved department, found himself at a funeral, was confronted by two of his most frustrating ex-colleagues and the writers gave Braugher a chance to showcase the captivating way he could make words take flight. Out of context, you could believe it was something from a Royal Shakespeare Company production.
Get yourself a renowned Shakespearean actor for your ludicrously silly comedy, and you get scenes like this peppered in amongst the goofing and slapstick - ‘gravitas’ doesn’t even come close to describing Andre Braugher’s mastery of big speeches pic.twitter.com/0lu5niVrR6
— Greg Jenner (@greg_jenner) December 13, 2023
One of Braugher’s other best moments was a showcase of his ability to explode into a roiling fury – which is so terrifyingly powerful that it becomes utterly hilarious when you team it with sexual innuendo. There are plenty of blissfully dry moments of bitchiness to savour throughout this storyline, but it’s the way the actor takes the roof off with his use of the word “bone” that is truly unforgettable.
Holt eats a marshmallow
In Braugher’s hands, the merest bit of comic frippery could become side-splitting. Take this classic cold open to a Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode in which the simple act of chewing on a marshmallow becomes an utter treat.
Boosting morale
In terms of what Braugher brings to this ridiculous attempt to raise his colleagues’s spirits after they’ve been exhausted by night shifts, see above. It’s yet more evidence of his ability to turn the daft into the comically sublime. But we defy you to watch the part where he starts laughing and not join in.
Rosa and Holt’s emotional journey
Brooklyn Nine-Nine delighted so many viewers not just because it made them laugh, but because it could also make them cry. When Holt had to invite colleague Rosa Diaz into his office to apologise for an outburst, Braugher turned it into a tender moment of bonding that managed to be effortlessly human – without betraying his character’s borderline hatred of emotional showiness. Extremely touching.
Holt’s balloon arch
If you don’t know it from watching the show, you will almost certainly know the pay-off to this storyline from its popularity as a meme. Throughout this ridiculous balloon-based narrative, Braugher brings manic intensity, vulnerability and a phrase that deserves to be shouted at moments of every tiny victory until the end of time. Vindication!
Holt’s farewell speech
Not a real goodbye, given that he would (spoiler alert) eventually find himself reinstated among his Nine-Nine colleagues, but this departing address to his troops was never beaten as Braugher’s most tear-jerking moment. His voice barely changes from his customary monotone, but the trembling lip, the pauses, the clipped pronouns – this is how a brilliant actor brings devastating weight to their dialogue. It’s hard to watch this moment following the sad news of Braugher’s death without it having added poignancy. RIP Andre Braugher.