Lingawadi village near Natham in Dindigul district wore a festive look on Sunday, as residents made elaborate arrangements to celebrate the 100th birthday of Seeni Ammal.
The villagers said Meenakshi Sundaram and Seeni Ammal had five sons and four daughters. One of their sons, who served in the armed forced had died. When Seeni Ammal turned 75, she lost her husband. Since then, she lived with her sons and daughters happily.
On Sunday, when she turned 100, the family comprising 85 members, including women and children, decided to celebrate it in a grand manner in their home town. Hence, all living members were invited to the function. Some of the enthusiastic residents and neighbours of Seeni Ammal gifted a saree and shawls to her.
The family members came in a procession to Vinayagar temple in the village and performed special pujas. Later, they held annadanam for the public.
It was a family reunion with a difference for many of the members and a first-of-its kind meet for the younger generation to see their blood relatives. According to a senior family member, 23 grandsons, 27 grand daughters were among those who joined Seeni Ammal in planting saplings.
He further said that Seeni Ammal, even at 100, was active with her daily routine. “Sometimes, she cooks her own food, which mostly consists of green vegetables. She takes rice regularly and occasionally has chicken soup. She has not suffered any major disease or fallen sick. Her physical activity is the reason for it. She is interested in gardening, Siddha, homeopathy and ayurveda medicine and a few of her grand children practise in their towns,” he added.
After the cake was cut, the entire family posed for a group photograph and Seeni Ammal stood with them cheerfully.