New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party has fielded its National General Secretary Dushyant Gautam from the Karol Bagh constituency (reserved for SC), a stronghold of the AAP. While the AAP MLA Vishesh Ravi has claimed that he has done a lot to address fundamental issues, Dushyant Gautam said 'the area is riddled with so much problems'.
The seat has been under the control of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for the past 11 years. Both the BJP and the AAP have won the seat three times each. However, when the BJP faced direct competition from the Congress, Surendra Pal Ratawal managed to secure victory for the saffron party three out of four times. To break this trend, the BJP has taken a bold step this time by fielding senior party leader from this seat.
For AAP MLA Vishesh Ravi, this elections is about maintaning his streak of victories, while for the saffron party, it's an opportunity to start a new chapter. Meanwhile, Congress also hopes for a revival.
Past election results indicate a direct contest between AAP and BJP, with the broom (AAP's symbol) sweeping the polls. Congress' voter base seems to have shifted towards AAP, but the BJP has made the battle intersting by nominating former Rajya Sabha MP Dushyant Gautam.
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Gaffar Market, Naivala Market and the famous cloth market of Karol Bagh make the battle for the seat more interesting.
Dynamite News' team talked to many businessmen in this seat. They told us that along with traffic jam, dirt is also a big problem in the market. Every day people from every corner of the country come to this biggest spare parts market, but people have to face difficulties in reaching there. The businessmen also said that the problem of jam is increasing due to the widening of roads.
Vishesh Ravi talks to Dynamite News
MLA Vishesh Ravi, who has been representing Karol Bagh seat since 2013, has been actively campaigning with Punjab's Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal, Delhi Mayor Mahesh Khichi, and Karol Bagh Councilor Urmila Mahendra Gautam in the narrow lanes of Raghavpura.
In an exclusive conversation with Dynamite News, he stated that over the past decade, significant work has been done to address fundamental issues like water supply, cleanliness, and traffic, and he is confident the people will give him another chance.
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'Karol Bagh is riddled with problems'
On the other hand, BJP’s candidate Dushyant Gautam, in an exclusive interview, said that this election is being fought by the people, not just the party. He emphasized that Karol Bagh is riddled with problems, whether in residential areas or markets, with traffic jams and filth making life difficult for residents and visitors alike.
The political battle in Karol Bagh and the final decision of the people will be intriguing to watch. Will AAP’s Vishesh Ravi maintain his winning streak, or will BJP manage to make a comeback with Dushyant Gautam? Only time will tell.