An amateur MMA bout Sunday at Fury FC 73 ended with one of the most violent head kicks you’ll ever see.
In a flyweight bout on the event’s undercard, Joe Perez (4-1) brutally added a massive knockout to his highlight reel at the expense of opponent Drew Lopez (2-1-1). The event took place at Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio.
A little over a minute into the fight, Lopez tried a high push kick. Perez was briefly put on his back foot, but planted and hurled a high kick at his opposition’s dome. With Lopez out of position, he was met with a conscious-snatching boot to the face.
The impact folded Lopez like a lawn chair. He was so crumpled, his own knees almost touched his head. The whiplash effect was a gruesome. To make matters worse, a nail-in-the-coffin punch from Perez knocked him even sillier.
Check out the knockout below (via Twitter)
Joe Perez knocks out Drew Lopez!!!
(Round 1, 1:26) pic.twitter.com/dTPjbfujYY— Fury FC (@FuryFightingTX) January 29, 2023
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