Actor Vicky Kaushal has shared a throwback picture from his childhood, on Instagram Saturday. The actor captioned the picture, “Post shave look.”
In the picture, which has been ’liked’ more than half-a-million times in just a few hours, a young Vicky can be seen in a white shirt, with a red collar and tousled hair.
Several industry personalities reacted to the post in the comments section. Actor Taapsee Pannu wrote, “Born lul,” while Ishaan Khatter commented, “I feel you,” and left a ‘LOL’ emoji. Vicky’s Love per Square Foot co-star Angira Dhar called him a ‘cutie’ and then laughed, and Ayushmann Khurrana commented only in a series of emojis.
Others to leave comments were Dia Mirza (“Awwwwwww”), Esha Gupta, and directors Meghna Gulzar and Vasan Bala.
It was reported on Saturday that Vicky had gravely injured himself on the sets of his upcoming film, being shot in Gujarat. “Vicky fractured his cheekbone and got 13 stitches,” reported IANS.
Vicky made his Bollywood debut in 2015 with the critically acclaimed drama, Masaan. He had a terrific 2018, with films such as Netflix’s Love per Square Foot, Lust Stories, Manmarziyaan, Sanju, and Raazi. He began 2019 with the biggest film of his career, Uri: The Surgical Strike.
Also read: Vicky Kaushal fractures cheekbone while shooting an action sequence, gets 13 stitches
Speaking about his big year, Vicky told Hindustan Times, “See, I can’t say that I will pass every time, maybe I will fail in my attempts, too. But I want to have that responsibility [of audiences’ expectations] at all times. I want people to keep expecting from me because it’s a good sign. It only proves that they are concerned and affected by my work. So, I would never want that pressure to come down, and only want it to go up.”
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First Published: Apr 20, 2019 19:58 IST