Vice President Kamala Harris, the daughter of two immigrants, expressed her deep love for the United States and belief in its promise during a recent speech. Harris highlighted her upbringing as a child of the civil rights movement, where she witnessed people of all races, faiths, and backgrounds coming together to fight for freedom and opportunity.
She shared how her parents instilled in her the values of community, compassion, and faith, which have always been integral to the nation's identity. Harris emphasized the hard work her mother put in to provide her daughters with the same opportunities she had in America.

Throughout her life, Harris has been dedicated to advocating for those who have been marginalized and overlooked, while maintaining a steadfast belief in the limitless possibilities within the country. She spoke of her commitment to fighting for the underprivileged and her unwavering faith in the American dream.
In her address, Harris conveyed her personal connection to the promise of America and expressed her optimism for the future, seeing the potential for greatness in all individuals. She encouraged others to believe in the promise of the nation and to work towards a better, more inclusive society.