Vice President Kamala Harris addressed a crowd of 700 donors in San Francisco, highlighting that the real work of her campaign was still ahead despite recent rallies in battleground states. She expressed her skepticism towards polls, emphasizing the high stakes of the upcoming election and the need to remain vigilant.
Reflecting on her recent five-city battleground tour, Harris shared insights from the field, noting the strong sentiment among Americans to not regress. Attendees at her rallies have been vocal in their determination, chanting 'Not going back!' as a testament to their commitment.
While acknowledging the significant energy surrounding her campaign, Harris stressed the importance of sustaining voter enthusiasm. She downplayed the focus on crowd sizes, instead highlighting the value of rally attendees signing up for volunteer shifts as a measure of engagement.
Despite the positive momentum of the past weeks, Harris humorously remarked that there was still a substantial amount of work ahead. The campaign's San Francisco event reportedly raised over $12 million, underscoring the continued support and financial backing for Harris' presidential bid.