Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech in battleground North Carolina, where she criticized former President Donald Trump, portraying him as consumed by revenge and increasingly unstable. Harris emphasized the importance of the upcoming election and contrasted her focus on her 'to do list' with Trump's alleged preoccupation with his 'enemies list'.
During her address, Harris highlighted her commitment to improving the lives of Americans by addressing key issues such as lowering costs and protecting reproductive rights. She expressed her dedication to making progress rather than scoring political points.

Harris's remarks underscored her belief that Trump's mindset is driven by a desire for revenge and a sense of grievance, characterizing him as someone who is not concerned with the well-being of the American people. She warned that Trump's behavior reflects instability and a dangerous pursuit of unchecked power.
The Vice President's visit to North Carolina aimed to engage voters and rally support for the upcoming election. By addressing critical policy issues and contrasting her approach with that of her predecessor, Harris sought to emphasize the stakes of the election and the importance of choosing leadership focused on positive change.