Pet owners could access free or subsidised veterinary care at public clinics under a reform proposed in Victoria by the state’s Animal Justice party.
MP Andy Meddick said the proposal to create a Medicare-like scheme – dubbed “Veticare” – would help make animal health care more affordable while also tackling a national vet shortage.
The model – which is not fully costed – would see an annual fee charged to domestic animal owners who would receive a Veticare card. It would allow pensioners and concession card holders to bulk-bill vet care at new public clinics, while a means-tested subsidy would apply for other clients.
Specialised wildlife hospitals would reduce the burden on vets to treat native animals for free, while vet nurses would be upskilled into nurse practitioner roles to free up vets to focus on more complex cases and surgeries.
Speaking ahead of introducing a motion in the state’s upper house on Tuesday, Meddick said the veterinary industry faced a workforce crisis, particularly in regional areas.
“What we’re attempting to do is alleviate these stresses and fix the system,” he said.
“If we continue to go down the path we’re going down in just a few short years, it will cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, to reinvest in the sector and to bring it up to scratch because the public simply won’t put up with not being able to take their animals to the vet or to have an incomplete wildlife system.”
Natasha Bassett recently left her job as a welfare and wildlife vet in Victoria due to burnout.
“I was doing one-and-a-half to two times the vet workload and had no time to reset. It became the new normal and was unsustainable. It causes you distress to know you cannot meet the demand,” Bassett said.
She said Medicare had “insulated” people from the reality of healthcare costs.
“If they were to see the true cost per procedure it may open their eyes a little bit,” she said.
Australian Veterinary Association president Bronwyn Orr welcomed the proposal but said there were other issues that needed to be addressed first.
“It’s all fair and good to have subsidised veterinary care but you actually need to have the veterinarians in place to do that,” she said.
“There’s not been enough investment in the profession and it’s leading to some rural and regional places actually not having any vets at all.
“If you have subsidised vet care, it’s not much use if you can’t actually get in to see a vet.”
Australian Associated Press contributed to this report