When we were children, turning 100 seemed like something straight out of fantasy novel. Nowadays, many more people are able to celebrate the party of a century and pass on their wisdom to the younger generations. After all, we all want to know what their secret to longevity is. A WWII veteran, Lt. Ralph Perkner, who just turned 103, credits his long life to his daughters.
Lt. Ralph Perkner just celebrated his 103rd birthday surrounded by family and neighbors

Ralph Perkner was born in 1921. At that time, President Warren Harding was in the office – five points to those who can tell us which president he was. It was also the year when insulin was first discovered. When Ralph was just 3 years old, the very first cheeseburger was invented and when he was 6, the first electronic television was demonstrated. Just think about all the things that happened since – what a long life full of discoveries!
Sadly, Ralph had to endure the horrors of World War II and the Korean War, where he had to ensure his country’s safety. He was lucky enough to return home, where he married his beloved wife Joan and settled down. Together, the couple had five children together. Joan passed away in 2003, leaving Ralph alone to take care of their kids and grandkids.
Despite celebrating such a big birthday, the navy veteran has been retired for only 13 years. After returning from the war, he worked as a doctor of optometry until he was 90 and became a prominent member of the local community in Springfield.

He was born in 1921 – just 3 years before the cheeseburger was invented

The brave hero served in WWII and the Korean War. After returning home, he worked as an optometry doctor up until he was 90

So, it was no wonder when a huge crowd showed up to celebrate the Lieutenant’s 103rd birthday. On the celebration’s morning, he was greeted with a hero’s welcome and escorted through a flag line to Mission Barbecue, where the big party commenced.
The centenarian was flooded with cards and gifts from the locals and fellow veterans who dressed up for Ralph’s big party. The veteran was in high spirits when he was interviewed by the local news:
“It’s overwhelming. And surprising!” he said.
The local BBQ joint was bursting with family and friends who were all smiles, especially when the big cake was brought out and they sang “Happy Birthday” to the veteran. A hero deserves the best birthday!
Despite his age, he remains active and gets up at 5 a.m. to swim laps at the local pool. But he believes being a girl dad is what keeps him young

When someone turns 103, everyone wants to know their secret. Ralph is humble – there are no magic elixirs or pills. It’s his girls – the proud father credited his longevity to his daughters.
“It’s the ladies that makes me stronger,” Perkner smiled.
He is also staying as active as he can and is known in his community as an excellent swimmer. He wakes up at 5 a.m. to swim laps in the local pool, inspiring younger citizens to follow his example. Well, if I’ll look as good and healthy as he does at 103, then I’d better look into getting a membership at my local pool.
“I hope if I get as old as he is, I’m half as good as he is,” pondered his son-in-law. That’s all we can hope for.
Ralph credits his daughters for his longevity and many other people are opting out of having kids – after all, there is no right answer that would work for everyone

Lt. Perkner attributed his long and healthy life to having daughters. It is a stark contrast to what many people have to say about children. A lot of adults are opting out of having kids and choosing to concentrate on themselves. There a few reasons behind it:
- No desire to have kids. It is not a new phenomenon, but thanks to the freedoms of the modern world, a lot of people are able to voice their desires to remain childfree without the fear of judgement;
- Finances. Kids are expensive – how can people afford to buy ridiculously overpriced formula when they are barely making ends meet?
- Career. As it is harder and harder to make ends meet, people are choosing to concentrate on their careers instead of family;
- Environmental reasons. No day goes by without some sensational article about depleting resources and rapid climate change. It is hard to bring a child into this world when you’re not sure they won’t have to fight for clean water in the future.
That’s the beauty of life – everyone is different and came to this Earth to do things that seem incredibly strange to us. Some people choose to raise five kids who might grow up to be scientists who will cure cancer, while others give all their love to rescue animals. There are people who create wonderful families with their friends. Everyone reads different books, watches different movies, and loves different people. There is enough space for everyone as long as we respect the choices that might sound wild to us.
So, when someone says “I don’t want to have kids” or attributes their happiness to their little ones, don’t be rude. Imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same?
Comments were full of well wishers for many more happy years to come