MIAMI - Venezuelan YouTuber Oscar Alejandro, known for promoting tourism content, was released from custody on Monday after being arrested during the weekend on alleged terrorism charges.
Initially detained at the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas while heading to Canaima National Park, the incident caused significant concern among his family and followers.
The arrest was linked to accusations of terrorist activities, but specific details were not provided by the authorities at the time. Fans believe that the government targeted him after one of his videos showed sensitive financial content from Caracas, but no concrete information has been given by him or the Venezuelan authorities about what led to his detention.
However, the episode opened a conversation about the danger that content creators in Venezuela face in the months leading up to the next national election, slated for July of this year.
Oscar Alejandro broke the silence
Following his release, Oscar Alejandro addressed his followers on social media: "Friends, I am well and free." He also announced his plans to share the details of the incident through his YouTube channel in the coming hours, expressing gratitude for the support received during this challenging time.
Amigos estoy bien y en libertad. En algunas horas a través de mi canal de YouTube contaré todo lo que pasó. Gracias a todos por su apoyo.
— Oscar Alejandro 🚀 (@eloscarale) April 1, 2024
Venezuela's attorney general, Tarek William Saab confirmed his release, but explained that the YouTuber has been placed on "conditional freedom" and "must remain available" for further investigations.
Oscar Alejandro lives in the United States, but all Venezuelan nationals must use their Venezuelan passports to enter and leave the country. Saab words imply that he won't be allowed to leave the country until his legal process is finished.
#EnVideo 📹
— Agencia Venezuela News (@venezuelanewsVN) April 1, 2024
▶️ El fiscal general @TarekWiliamSaab anunció que el influencer Oscar Alejandro, fue puesto en libertad condicional y deberá estar atento al llamado del @MinpublicoVEN para las investigaciones que se efectúen.
Cortesía @cronicave#VenezuelaNews 🇻🇪 pic.twitter.com/Mw2ald24zC
Part of a pattern
Oscar Alejandro's detention and subsequent release are part of a broader pattern of arrests in Venezuela, with authorities citing terrorism and conspiracies against the government. Over forty detentions, including military personnel and activists, have been made since the beginning of the year under such accusations.
Last month, two high profile political operatives close to opposition leader María Corina Machado were arrested. Seven other members of her team, including her right-hand Magalli Meda, also have warrants out for their detention.
The White House called the move an attack on civil society and said it was inconsistent with the election guarantees deal inked last year in the so called "Barbados Agreement," which had led the U.S. to relax some sanctions in exchange for steps toward freer and fairer elections. Sanctions were reimposed after the Maduro government resumed its crackdown on the political opposition this year.
Who is Oscar Alejandro?
Oscar Alejandro has a significant online presence, with 1.8 million YouTube subscribers and 580,000 Instagram followers. He is known for his documentaries showcasing tourist destinations and life in various countries, having visited 28 nations, with Nicaragua being his most recent destination before the arrest. His content is similar to Mexican content creator Luisito Comunica.
Fans believe that his arrest was related to a video here that showed the building in Caracas that hosts the servers for all the credit transactions in the country. "If you plant a bomb here, you would destroy the country's financial system in its entirety," he said.
🇻🇪 | URGENTE: Arrestan en Venezuela al youtuber Oscar Alejandro por cargos de terrorismo. En uno de sus vídeos muestra una torre perteneciente a un banco y señala que con una bomba "se pueden bajar a todo el sistema bancario" del país.
— Alerta News 24 (@AlertaNews24) April 1, 2024
His arrest and release highlight the complex political and human rights landscape in Venezuela, marked by a series of politically charged detentions and ongoing concerns about freedom of expression and judicial fairness.
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