A recent Vatican document has outlined comprehensive ethical guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) across various sectors, emphasizing the importance of AI as a tool to complement human intelligence rather than replace it. The document, released by the Vatican's doctrine and cultural offices, echoes concerns previously raised by Pope Francis regarding the potential risks associated with AI technology.
The document highlights the need for increased human responsibility in tandem with the advancement of AI technology, noting that the full impact of AI applications may not always be foreseeable at the outset.
AI and Warfare
One of the key warnings in the document pertains to the use of AI in warfare, cautioning against the development of weapons systems that could operate beyond human oversight. The document stresses the importance of retaining human moral judgment and ethical decision-making in conflicts, emphasizing that machines should never have the authority to take human lives.
AI and Human Relationships

AI is cautioned as not being a substitute for genuine human relationships, with the document highlighting the lack of empathy in AI systems. It warns against anthropomorphizing AI in contexts such as child development and interpersonal relationships, emphasizing the irreplaceable nature of authentic human connections.
AI and Search for Meaning
The document raises concerns about the temptation to seek meaning and fulfillment through AI, cautioning against the substitution of God with human-made artifacts. It underscores the importance of maintaining a connection with the transcendent rather than turning to AI for existential answers.
AI and Privacy/Surveillance
Regarding data privacy and surveillance, the document stresses the need for regulators to monitor potential overreach in AI-powered data processing. Transparency and public accountability are deemed essential safeguards to protect individual dignity and privacy.
AI and the Environment
While AI can contribute positively to environmental efforts such as climate change mitigation, the document warns about the significant energy and water consumption associated with AI operations. It calls for a recognition of the environmental impact of AI technologies.
AI and Education
The document advocates for the use of AI to promote critical thinking in education rather than merely information accumulation. It emphasizes the importance of addressing the social and ethical dimensions of technological development within educational settings.
AI and Healthcare
While acknowledging the potential benefits of AI in healthcare, particularly in medical diagnosis, the document underscores the necessity of preserving the human element in patient-provider relationships. Decisions regarding patient care should ultimately remain in human hands rather than being delegated to AI systems.
AI and Misinformation/Deepfakes
The document highlights the risks posed by AI-generated misinformation and deepfakes, urging individuals to verify the accuracy of content before sharing it. Countering falsehoods propagated by AI requires collective efforts from all individuals committed to upholding truth and integrity.