The sale of vape products across the Commonwealth is expected to undergo some change. It comes with the passage late last week of House Bill 11 in Frankfort. The effort seeks to reduce the illicit use of vaping products for anyone under age 21. London GOP Senator Brandon Storm said the result was a combination of his bill and that offered by Morgantown GOP Representative Rebecca Raymer
“I thought you know what this is probably a better compromise. There were some people in the public that had a consternation about the registry and so I thought you know what let’s just avoid that issue and try to make it more streamlined,” said Storm.
The legislation allows for the sale of Federal Drug Administration-approved vape products. Opponents argued that limiting to just FDA-approved vape would place a hardship on mom-and-pop small retailers.
Louisville Democratic Senator David Yates cast a no vote on the final day of floor action prior to the veto recess.
“We are creating a monopoly for one particular brand. We’re getting rid of the other brands that even have lower nicotine products and stuff when we should be enforcing the products that are coming through the internet. We should be going after the people who are selling people, making then sick,” said Yates.
Brandon Storm said the legislation, hopefully, will curb exposure to Chinese vape products. More than one lawmaker said enforcement of the illegal selling of vape products to those under 21 remains a major challenge.
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