A limited-edition First World War memorial has been snapped in half by vandals just days before Remembrance Day.
Exeter City Council shared photographs of the broken metal figure outside the city’s Guildhall on Monday.
Pictures show the black metal silhouette of a soldier known as the “silent soldier” having been cut in two.
The symbol was created in 2014, on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Great War.
On Remembrance Day on Friday it will have been 104 years since the conflict ended.
Outraged city councillors said that the memorial was irreplacable and have reported the vandalism to Devon and Cornwall Police.
In a statement posted on its website, Exeter City Council wrote: “The figure was snapped it two sometime over the weekend and the vandalism has been reported to the police.
“Unfortunately the figure was a limited edition and is not able to be replaced.”
Yolonda Henson, the mayor of Exeter, said she was “deeply saddened and disappointed”.
“The Silent Soldier was on display outside the guildhall as a sign of respect for all those that have lost their lives during conflict.”
Anyone with information can call police on 101 or email 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk