It was back in March when Valve first released the Dota Labs feature. It's a way for the studio to test new content and see if it can be added to Dota 2. Ever since that announcement, we haven't really heard much about it.
This was confirmed, in a way, by Valve. The studio revealed in a post that they've been continuing to iterate on the features though quietly. However, it seems like they're now going on the opposite end and announcing what's in the works. For starters, players can check out the high-visibility hero health bars, which can be toggled through Options and then Interface.
The studio also said that they've actually been releasing different updates to the game's other features. These include the additional controls for the overlay map along with new data in the pre-match analytics. They've also been looking into the ability to treat targeting modifier keys as toggles instead of holds.
Finally, the studio also said that since they've received a lot of useful submissions from the Feedback button built that's been built into the Crownfall map, they've added a similar button to the Dota Labs UI.
Cache Voting
Valve announced as well that their community of artists have been hard at work. In fact, there are now hundreds of items uploaded to the Workshop. Each one has been lovingly crafted and lovingly polished. That means that the Dota 2 community now have to vote to see which ones are going to be included in the next Collector's Cache.
By the way, in the spirit of Dota Labs experimentation, voting is open to everyone. To vote, simply head to the dashboard and then click the Collector's Cache Voting button. After that just choose upvote or downvote. Voting is now open and ends May 21.
Welcome to Dota Labs
As mentioned, it was back in March when Dota Labs was first released. Back then it offered three features with the first one being the Overlay Map. It functioned similar to a minimap but was solid rather than transparent. In addition, it was full-screen rather than being isolated to the corner. The second feature being tested was the Modifier Key Filter Bindings and the third feature was the High-Visibility Local Hero Healthbar.
Dota 2 is available for the PC through Steam.