Reddit users have urged every household to leave a source of drinking water outdoors for wildlife over the summer months, as temperatures are beginning to rise.
The constant dry, hot and sunny weather is starting to take its toll on local wildlife, with some users of the forum reporting that they have seen dead birds in the street. Other species are likely to be struggling from the lack of water, such as endangered hedgehogs.
Yorkshire Live reported that users of the forum have urged the public to leave water outside their homes, either in the garden or on a driveway.

It is hoped that the supply of drinking water might help keep foxes, hedgehogs, birds and even bees and wasps' thirsts quenched. Every single one of them is vital to a healthy ecosystem and if they die off, we all die off.
One Reddit user advised: "If you have a garden, try to leave a bowl of water out. Wildlife suffers from this heat as much as we do."
Another said: "Went and put some large saucers out after work yesterday once I saw this post. Didn’t take long for the birds to take advantage."

And a third built on the advice, adding: "Birds prefer their bowls and baths to be out in the open though, in case cats are lurking in bushes. Also, once one birds been and knows there's somewhere to have a wash and a drink, they will unironically come back with their family, friends, or flock, so keep the bowls in the same place and the numbers build up."
And for people feeling really dedicated, The Wildlife Trust has some advice for people looking to take helping the world to the next level again.
The Trust says: "During hot summer weather, it is important to have plenty of water for animals and birds to drink and bathe in. But don’t stop there!

"It is also important to keep the water topped up during the chilly winter months as sources of water can become frozen and more difficult to find.
"If you install a bird bath, make sure it has gradual edges and is roughly textured. If you want to go the extra mile, hanging a drip jug above your bird bath will attract more birds as they hear the dripping water."
The advice should be good for some time, as Met Office forecasts show no signs of rain any time soon, and another hot summer.
If you can keep even a small bowl of water regularly topped up - and maybe sprinkle a few stones or pebbles in it to help birds find a footing in the water - it will massively boost the survival hopes of everything that lives nearby.