Avon Fire and Rescue have issued urgent advice for the public on preventing fires in the hot weather this week. An amber weather warning is in place across the South West from tomorrow (August 11) until Sunday (August 14) and as a result, the fire service has issued guidance to help people stay safe and reduce the chance of fires.
There is an increased risk of grass, woodland and crop fires in extremely hot weather. Just this week, a Bristol resident's houseplant caught fire after being left in high temperatures near a window.
Also this week, a big blaze broke out in a field in South Gloucestershire. When temperatures rise, Avon Fire and Rescue have warned that fires could spread more rapidly and with greater severity.
Read more: One 'casualty' and two dogs rescued from Bristol house fire
Accidental fires are also more likely to occur during the summer months. Fire crews see more started and more injuries sustained, as a result of the likes of barbeque fires and bonfires - such as the 'disposable barbecue' that set alight on The Downs over the weekend.
These accidental blazes have a greater chance of spreading in summer, when crops and field are dry. Avon Fire and Rescue have released a set of top tips to minimise the risk of fires in summer.

Avon Fire and Rescue Service Area Manager, Vaughan Jenkins, said: "As the hot weather continues, I know it can be tempting to have a barbeque with friends and family, but with the ground so dry it poses a significant fire risk. We're asking everyone to do their bit this summer and take care to reduce the risk of fires starting in the first place.
"We will always be there if you need us in an emergency, but lets work together to make sure our resources are available for those who need us most. If you see a grass fire, move to a safe place and call 999 immediately - don't try and tackle it yourself."
If you're thinking about hosting a barbecue this summer, whether in your garden or with a disposable barbecue out and about, Avon Fire and Rescue Service have stated that the best places to host a barbecue are 'in your garden, away from your home and at a safe distance from anything that could catch fire, including hedges, sheds or garden furniture'. If you're using a disposable barbecue, it needs to be placed on a flat, non-flammable surface and only to be disposed of once cold.

The public are urged to dispose of smoking materials responsibly. It's worth remembering that cigarettes must be fully out and cold before being put in a bin, and avoid dropping these on the ground as not only is it littering, but it could start a summer fire.
Bristolians are also encouraged to pick up all items of litter. Avon and Fire Rescue have urged the public to ensure they do not leave bottles or glass in dry areas as 'sunlight shining through the glass can start a fire'.
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