Ice fishing will be here in a few spots soon and will probably be nearly areawide by Christmas.
Here is the listing of regulations for public sites in the greater Chicago area. Just a couple tweaks, otherwise mostly reminders.
Ice fish at your own risk. Hours are generally sunrise to sunset, unless noted otherwise. Ice fishing is not permitted at the Chicago lagoons, FPD of Will County, Kankakee River Valley FPD and Kendall County FPD.
As always, if you have adds or tweaks to suggest, contact me by email at BowmanOutside@gmail.com or on Facebook (Dale Bowman), Twitter (@BowmanOutside) or Instagram (@BowmanOutside).
FP COOK COUNTY: Ice-fishing lakes are Arrowhead, Axehead, Beck, Belleau, Big Bend, Bode south, Bullfrog, Busse main and south, Flatfoot, Green, Horsetail, Ida, Maple, Papoose, Powderhorn, Saganashkee Slough, Sag Quarry, Tampier, Turtlehead and Wampum.
FPD DuPAGE COUNTY: Permitted most sites, except no ice fishing at Spring Creek Reservoir and Herrick Lake. Late-night fishing allowed at Deep Quarry (north end freezes last), must be out of preserve by 11 p.m.
FPD KANE COUNTY: Permitted only at Hampshire South FP, Oakhurst FP, Paul Wolff Campground, and Grunwald Farms FP, sunrise to sunset.
LAKE COUNTY FP: When conditions allow, ice fishing permitted 6:30 a.m. to sunset at Hasting, Banana, Independence Grove south bay (catch-and-release) and Carina; but 6:30 a.m. to one hour after sunset at Sterling.
MAZONIA SFWA: After central zone duck season (beginning Dec. 28), both units open to ice fishing at your own risk.
McHENRY CCD: Ice fishing only allowed on West Lake at The Hollows.
SILVER SPRINGS SFWA: Enter through the east entrance, 7 a.m.-sunset.
WILLIAM W. POWERS SRA: Normal operating hours.