Below is a list of my upcoming speaking engagements for the Fall 2022 semester. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public - and in person. Unless otherwise noted, the event times are those in the time zone where the event is being held.
I will add additional events and information to this post, over time. In the meantime if your university, think tank, research institute or other similar organization would like to invite me to speak (either virtually or in person) on any topic within my expertise, I am open for business! You can get an overview of the issues I write and speak about at my website.
August 25, 3-4:15 PM: "Judicial Review of Immigration Policy," panel on "The Expanding Mandate: Immigration and the Courts," Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC. Online webinar. Additional information and free sign-up here. The other panelists are Leon Fresco (Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Immigration Litigation, U.S. Department of Justice; Immigration Attorney, Holland & Knight), and Karen Tumlin (Founder and Director, Justice Action Center). Ellen Gilmer (Senior Homeland Security Reporter, Bloomberg Government), will moderate.
September 16, 10:45-12:00 AM: "A Major Question of Power: The Vaccinate Mandate Cases and the Limits of Executive Authority," panel on "Constitutional Structure," Cato Constitution Day conference on the 2021-22 Supreme Court term, Cato Institute, Washington, DC. Additional information and free sign-up here. My presentation will be based on my article of the same title. Other participants in this panel include VC co-blogger Jonathan Adler and my George Mason University colleague Jennifer Mascott.
September 28, 12-1 PM (tentative time): "Team Libertarian Report: Restoring the Guardrails of Democracy." Scalia Law School, George Mason University, Arlington, VA. Online webinar. Other participants include David French and Prof. Edward Foley (representing the conservative and progressive teams in the National Constitutional Center "Restoring the Guardrails of Democracy" project). Sign-up information forthcoming.
October 27, 12-1 PM: "The Case Against Nationalism," University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI (sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Federalist Society).
October 29, Time TBA: "Adding to the Anti-Canon of Constitutional Law," panel on "Controlling the Court Through Precedent," Conference on "Controlling the Supreme Court: Now and Far into the Future," University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI (sponsored by the Wisconsin Law Review). The other participants in the panel will be Barry Friedman (NYU), Nina Varsava (Wisconsin), and moderator Bruce Ledewitz (Duquesne).
November 3, Time TBA: "Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom," University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
November 3 or 4, Time and topic TBA: I will likely do a second talk in Calgary, on a topic to be determined.
The post Upcoming Speaking Engagements appeared first on Reason.com.