Up to 150 vacancies are currently available across the Bristol region in Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys with some offering salaries of £28,000 and above.
Here is a list of jobs in and around the city that you can apply for right now

The supermarket giant currently has 87 job vacancies listed online within 10 miles of Bristol varying in levels of experience, salary, hourly pay, days or nights and more. The jobs advertised are across a variety of stores from the smaller express and convenience stores to larger extra stores.
There is a huge range of staff incentives, including 10-15 per cent discount in stores.
Some of the roles currently advertised include:
- Customer assistant
- Team manager
- Delivery driver
- Shift leader
Night colleague
Warehouse operative
Apply here

There are more than 30 full and part-time vacancies available at Asda with a high number of customer delivery driver positions sought after in Longwell Green.
Other featured roles are:
- Petrol assistant
- Night section manager
- Security
- Online trading manager
- Store assistant
- Pharmacist
Apply here
Up to 19 jobs are on offer at Morrisons in areas such as Hartcliffe, Cribbs Causeway and Fishponds. From a £ 28,000 night manager job with a pension scheme and private healthcare, to a part-time butcher position.
Further vacancies include:
- Skilled baker
- Customer assistant
- Store manager
- Pharmacist
Apply here

There are eight vacant positions at four Sainsbury stores within a five-mile radius in Bristol.
- Customer and trading manager - Emersons Green
- Trading assistant - Broadmead
- Operations shift manager - Patchway
- Trading support manager - Castle Court
Apply here
With the newly-approved law put in place to help protect workers in supermarkets, those looking to make some extra cash or looking to venture up the career ladder can ease into their new positions.
According to the law, if a person performing a public service faces abuse, the offence will be met with harsher punishments or prison.
READ MORE: St Nicholas market traders say 'quirky' shopping destination is thriving
The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has welcomed the measures. Its CEO, James Lowman, said: “We strongly welcome the introduction of this Act, which the retail sector has been calling for over a number of years."
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