AN UNPOPULAR housing development which neighbours say is 'too big' and 'out of character' with Toronto will go to Lake Macquarie council for a decision next week.
The 26-unit development on Excelsior Parade has attracted almost 30 submissions, all which object to the proposal.
The submissions argue the development does not have enough parking, will negatively impact nearby property prices and the privacy of surrounding homes.
A 2023 submission from John Mason argued the application is "poor", "essentially destroys the surroundings" and was aimed at one thing: "maximisation of profit".
"... I know that all the [sic] community is up in arms over this proposal," he said.
"I strongly recommend that for the benefit of Lake Macquarie, the surroundings, residents and for the further progression of this area that satisfies regulations that this proposal be cancelled."
Another from Peter Hawke in 2023 said, "... I strongly recommend for the residents, the surrounding environment, the issue of deterioration of the landscape, parking, tree-scape, and turning a beautiful area into essentially a "dog box profit machine" that this application is rejected".
Made up of three lots, the Excelsior Waters Pty Ltd proposal sits next door to mostly single houses.
There are developments of a similar size in the area.
If approved, the development would see eight two-bedroom units, seven three-bedroom units and 11 two or three storey four-bedroom units built at 163-167 Excelsior Parade.
Each home would have its own garage and access to a communal open space.
A residential flat building made up of 29 apartments was previously approved over 161 and 163 Excelsior Parade.
The application set to go before the council on Monday sits on one of the two lots included in the previous approval.
The site itself is heavily vegetated and 73 trees would need to be removed should it be approved, while 26 trees would be retained.
The proposal would provide 37 car parks with single and double garages as well as nine dedicated visitor parking spaces.
Lake Macquarie council's Development Control Plan requires the development to provide 35 residential car parks and 13 visitor spaces.
A report to councillors acknowledges the proposal does not provide the required 13 car visitor car parks.
However, the report said the development includes provision for an extra seven "informal" visitor car parks stacked in front of garages within the development.
"The site is located in a central and accessible location within 800m walking distance of the Toronto town centre, which is a well-serviced economic centre," the report said.
"Closer to the site are two bus stops located within 300m walking distance of the site which provides connection to Toronto and Fassifern train station.
"On balance, the provision of car parking for the site is considered reasonable and sufficient to service residents and visitors."
Council staff have recommended that the project be approved.