In 2023, thousands of new homes are being built - and they usually have a sleek, minimalist design, with black-and-white interiors and understated carpets.
These homes are often decorated very differently to the homes we grew up in, or those of our grandparents. And most people also tend to move with the times, redecorating and updating, Stoke-on-Trent Live reports.
But in one house in Dresden, Staffordshire, time has simply stood still.
The house has been left exactly as it was in the 1960s - and it even has its original kitchen from the 1940s.
Its former occupant, a woman in her mid-90s, passed away recently.
The woman, who was intensely private, had no immediate family.

But her last living blood relatives were shocked by the house when they went to begin the difficult task of sorting it out.
It is immaculate, extremely tidy - and seemingly stuck in decades past.
An extremely old vacuum cleaner is in the cupboard.
Women's magazines from the 1960s are stacked neatly under the table in the living room.
Tins of Princes Ham are in the property's frugal pantry, and a 1980s housecoat hangs ready to be worn by its owner - who was often see wearing it as she frequently walked into Longton.

The avocado bathroom is reminiscent of their vogue in the 1980s.
The master bedroom is as her parents left it before their death, many, many years ago.
Her room is still that of a small child, with pink everywhere, and cuddly toys.
Stacked in her cupboard are reels and reels of film, with an old glass projector for viewing them.
The only modern thing in the house is a television - which she rented.

The woman, who worked at the coal board before she retired, had accumulated a fortune - which she left entirely to charity.
However, that wasn't reflected in her sparse, yet tidy, house, with its busy old carpets, faded wallpaper and the sagging, creaky mattresses of the bedrooms.
But her home is a fascinating look into the past, and for many of us, a gut-punch of nostalgia as we recall loved ones we have lost, and our childhood homes.