One of the many Bubbulfrogs inhabiting the caves of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom recently received the cross-country trip of a lifetime thanks to the rocket-powered efforts of one determined player.
Earlier this week, Reddit user Zeldaswitch9 shared a post and video (below) documenting their quest to kidnap a Bubbulfrog, remove it from its homey cave, slap it on a floating platform, and take it to meet all the sky dragons in Hyrule. "Bubbulfrogs must get lonely in their caves, so I took one on an adventure to make some friends," they said.
Zeldaswitch9 started by securing the Bubbulfrog, which required inventive use of an Autobuild cage sealed with planks. Our unwitting frog is packed up, shipped down a river on a prepared boat, and then unboxed right onto the platform that will become their new home. Zeldaswitch9 doesn't abandon the cage, however, since it's necessary for repeatedly blasting the Bubbulfrog around Hyrule in order to snap group selfies with the elemental dragons. And when I say blasting, I mean blasting.
At the start of the video, Zeldaswitch9 has 290 rockets in their inventory, By the end, they're well under 100. Bubbulfrogs are quite heavy even on gravity-defying stone platforms, it seems. In a Reddit comment, they said they had to resort to a dupe once their rocket supplies started dwindling, "otherwise I'd probably need at least 500 rockets." They also burned through quite a few Large Zonai Charges to keep their batteries topped up on the long flight. And if you're wondering, as I was, they estimate this took them around three hours without accounting for breaks.
You've got to wonder how the Bubbulfrog felt about the whole situation. Was it happy to leave its cave or simply alarmed by the abrupt change in scenery, like a fish out of water? It does seem to be a bit shell-shocked. And what about the dragons? If I'd spent eternity soaring through the sky only for a small blonde man to fly up and randomly introduce me to his panicking pet frog, I think I'd have some questions.
Elsewhere, players are working together to help Tears of the Kingdom completionists 100% the game down to every last landmark.