As the nation prepares for the upcoming presidential inauguration on January 20, a series of high-stakes security events have unfolded in Washington, D.C. The ceremony will take place against the backdrop of heightened security following recent incidents, including a global pandemic and a violent siege at the U.S. Capitol.
The inauguration marks the culmination of a two-week period of national special security events, which have received increased federal funding and are overseen by the U.S. Secret Service. These events include the electoral count, a state funeral, and a rally planned for President-elect Donald Trump.
Security measures for the inauguration will be extensive, with a visible presence of federal agents and police, as well as less conspicuous measures such as bomb detection devices and snipers. The outgoing president, Joe Biden, will attend the ceremony, along with living former presidents.
Law enforcement agencies are preparing for potential demonstrations but have not identified any specific threats at this time. The District of Columbia National Guard will deploy thousands of soldiers for perimeter security, while federal agents and police will also be on hand.
The Secret Service, responsible for security at national special security events, has been planning for the inauguration since the conclusion of the last event. Despite increased scrutiny following recent security incidents, the agency is confident in its ability to ensure a safe and secure event.
The FBI has established command posts to gather intelligence, assess threats, and coordinate investigations leading up to and during the inauguration. Analysts will be working to share intelligence with other law enforcement agencies, with personnel and resources ready to respond to any safety concerns that may arise.
Overall, while security measures are robust and comprehensive, law enforcement officials are hopeful that the inauguration will proceed smoothly and peacefully, reflecting the longstanding traditions of a peaceful transfer of power in the United States.