Spring is just around the corner and so is tick season. The University of Kentucky Entomology Department is engaged in a multi-year study of the pesky parasites. Professor Reddy Palli said in the commonwealth, three ticks are most associated with illnesses in humans – lone star ticks, dog ticks and deer ticks. He said lone star ticks can carry bacteria causing Alpha-gal syndrome, also known as red meat allergy.
“When people get bitten by these ticks, especially multiple times, there is a possibility of developing this allergy. That would be the most concern at this time.”
With warm weather already upon us, Palli offered a few tips on how to avoid the pesky pests.
“People should be careful about ticks, not to get them on them. Wear proper clothing. You can even take themselves out of apply some repellents before they go out.”
Palli said lone star ticks, not deer ticks, which can spread Lyme disease, are the most likely to make people sick in Kentucky.
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