Union members have “unanimously supported” a vote of no confidence in UHI Perth’s principal and depute principal after a jobs cull was announced.
A total of 50 roles will be cut at the college as a result of a £3 million funding black hole.
UHI Perth made the announcement on Friday as management began the first phase of a redundancy consultation exercise with Trade Union colleagues.
And even more roles could go in the second phase.
The college projected the deficit as a result of impending cost of living increases and the removal of funding by the Scottish Government.
The Scottish Government announced it will remove the £46m for transformation within the college (£26m) and university (£20m) sectors from the 2023/24 budget.
Other factors include the reduction in high education recruitment “over a period of time”, and flat cash for further education delivery with a 10 per cent reduction in credit numbers available.
A UHI Perth spokesperson said: “We are looking at our structures and our staffing across all levels of the college and hope to reduce numbers through the use of voluntary severance and are seeking permission to enhance our current voluntary severance scheme.
“In phase one of this process we are predicting a loss of 50 roles.
“We will work to minimise the impact on our students but will have to lose a small number of our courses, we will accommodate potential students in alternative courses to ensure that they have the offer of a course which will suit their needs.”
A Scottish Government spokesperson said that each college must determine how best to secure its sustainability but conceded that employers, workers and trade unions should work together to reach a “fair” pay settlement.
Unison Scotland “wholeheartedly condemns” the announcement and revealed that members have “unanimously supported” a vote of no confidence in the college’s principal and depute principal.
A spokesperson added: “It is devastating for our loyal and diligent members who face loss of livelihood during the on-going cost of living crisis.
"[The union] is appalled at the cynical, uncaring and unprofessional way it was handled."
The spokesperson said staff were advised in an email issued at 12.30pm on Friday, May 19 when management were still in the meeting to announce the cuts to trade unions.
Unison was reportedly then asked to keep details of the announcement secret.
They added: "Senior leaders declined to face staff, instead expecting junior managers and trade union representatives to handle the inevitable and considerable fallout and deal with traumatised staff.
"Our members have yet again been treated with contempt, and indifference to the impact this announcement would have on them.
"Margaret Cook, principal of UHI Perth, has blamed the cuts on a loss of £46m to the sector.
"In fact, only £26 was earmarked for the Further Education sector.
"When that was announced, it was presented as being for a very specific purpose and was never to be used for saving jobs or paying wages and salaries."
Local Unison stewards said: “Senior leaders of FE Colleges are indulging in spreading this mantra across Further Education in Scotland, despite it being fake news.
"It is the equivalent of counting their chickens before the eggs are even laid, let alone hatched.
"The real reason behind these cuts is years of fiscal ineptitude on the part of those holding the purse strings – fewer than 100 individuals who earn around £10m a year between them.”
Unison has called on the leadership of UHI Perth to engage in consultation and look at how jobs can be saved.
Unison has also called on the Scottish Government to urgently intervene.